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Dokuchyna T., Mishenina А. - Training of specialists in special education for the formation of ideas about the environment in preschoolers with intellectual disabilities


Contact: Dokuchyna Tetiana, PhD of pedagogy, associate professor, associate professor of the department of correctional pedagogy and inclusive education in Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, KamianetsPodilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: training of special education specialists, formation of professional mobility of special education specialists, psychological and educational assistance for children with special educational needs in special and inclusive educational institutions ;

Mishenina Angela, postgraduate of the department of correctional pedagogy and inclusive education in Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: educational, correctional and developmental work with preschoolers with intellectual disabilities, the use of innovative technologies in working with children with mental and physical disabilities.

The article is devoted to the problem of training specialists in special education to work with children with intellectual disabilities. It is determined that special education specialists should be ready to work with children with intellectual disabilities of different ages, with varying degrees of intellectual disabilities, as well as with complex disabilities. It is substantiated that the training of specialists in special education to work with preschoolers with intellectual disabilities involves the study of psychophysical development of children with different types of disorders, medical and biological foundations of correctional pedagogy, special methods of correctional and educational work with children, features of individual approach to children development in the process of education and upbringing in the institution of preschool education, the principles of organization of the process of education and upbringing of children with intellectual disabilities, etc. The development program for preschoolers with intellectual disabilities is analyzed. The relevance of the formation of ideas about the environment in preschoolers with intellectual disabilities and the need to train professionals to implement this task is substantiated. It is determined that the effectiveness of training future specialists in special education to work with preschoolers with intellectual disabilities in general and the formation of their ideas about the environment, in particular, involves ensuring the unity of mastery of theoretical provisions with pedagogical practice.

Key words: professional training, specialists in special education, preschoolers with intellectual disabilities, formation of ideas about the environment.

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