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Honcharuk N.M, Pykhalskyi I.M. - Characteristics of innovative methods of socio-psychological and physical rehabilitation of children with special educational needs


Contact: Нoncharuk Nataliіa, Ph.D. in psychology, assistant professor, assistant professor of Chair of General and Applied Psychology in the Correctional and Social Pedagogy and Psychology Department of KamyanetsPodilskyi National Ivan Ohienko University.

Pykhalsky Igor, director of the municipal institution of the city council of Dunaivtsi «Inclusive Resource Center».

The article is devoted to the analysis of innovative methods of socio-psychological and physical rehabilitation of children with special educational needs. Particular attention is paid to rehabilitation work with children with complex developmental disorders that combine intellectual disability and immaturity of musculoskeletal functions. The main tasks of rehabilitation are clarified, the issues of social and psychological rehabilitation pivotal to the need for integrating children into the system of social relations and physical rehabilitation, which relate to the impact on motor functions, are highlighted.
Within the analysis of social and psychological rehabilitation we have described the model of local educational environment of development suggested by V.G.Pecherskyi, which provides information-cognitive, personal-reflexive, and interpersonal support; PECS system, which is based on learning functional communication, R. Cavagnola’s method of modeling communicative behavior, which is to purposefully overcome the gradual steps that approach the goal; A. Ellis’ ABC model which is at the basis of rational-emotional-behavioral therapy; the Swedish strategy of cooperation, which reflects the principle of cooperation between school, social organizations, and family; the method of supportive communication, which is to activate certain forms of interaction; typological approach of O. Indenbaum, which aims to differentiate the formation of social and communication skills; M.Ch. Knill’s technology, which uses the achievements of psychology to work with clients who are not in contact with the immediate environment. Among the methods of physical rehabilitation are the developmental movement of W. Sherborn, which is based on tactile sensations, the NDT-Bobat method, focused on stimulating the distribution of muscle tone,  A. Petyo’s conductive pedagogy, aimed at preparing for independent living, the method of G. Doman, who promotes the uniform development of body movements, and dexterity; the method of reflex locomotions of V. Vojta, based on the development of reflex complexes of movement; Snuzelen technique, which provides sensory-motor rehabilitation; K. Semenova’s method of dynamic proprioceptive correction known as the method of spacesuit, the V. Kozyavkin system, which is based on intensive neurophysiological rehabilitation. The study outlines specific techniques of socio-psychological and physical impact, which are used within each method and substantiates the need to take into account complex disruptions in rehabilitation work.

Key words: social and psychological rehabilitation, physical rehabilitation, child with complex developmental disorders.

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