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Guseva T.O. - Trudove training of young people with disabilities as a result of intellectual disabilities in a rehabilitation center


Contact: Guseva Tetyana Oleksiivna, 2nd year graduate student of the Department of Special and Inclusive Education of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko, Director of a rehabilitation institution of mixed type (comprehensive rehabilitation) for persons with disabilities due to intellectual disabilities - Center "Assistance" of the public organization "Felicitas", Sumy, Ukraine, in the circle of scientific interests: methodical system of labor training of young people with disabilities due to intellectual disabilities.

In the XXI century. New requirements to the quality and specifics of work of young people with disabilities we formulated taking into account the achieved level of social development and its prospects. These requirements we related to the achievements of scientific and technological progress, which qualitatively change the living environment of young people. Therefore, it is clear that these processes require the education of a person who can participate in creative, technological, and project work. That is, the work of young people is creative - transformative. A high level of technological culture, the ability to be creative and self-developed, initiative, competitiveness and professionalism are objective requirements for the individual as a subject of employment. The modern system of education is aimed not only at the acquisition by young people of a certain amount of knowledge and skills, but also at the development of personal cognitive and creative abilities and a number of competencies that in the future will allow further successful independent living. In this process, a special role is given to labor training, as it promotes the formation of young people with disabilities technological competence based on a system of technological and design knowledge and skills, which is the basis for further employment; formation of a holistic personality, which needs different types of mental and physical work, has technologically important qualities that ensure its self-realization. The work of young people with disabilities creates conditions for the formation of skills in materials processing, a correct idea of the surrounding reality, to expand the general and polytechnic horizons, education of a conscious attitude to work. Labor training is a subject, the main task of which is the development of technological thinking, formation general labor, polytechnic, technological knowledge and skills, sensorimotor, manipulative skills required for labor and economic education, professional and life self-determination.

Keywords: labor training, didactic principles, methods, people with disabilities due to intellectual disabilities, skills, work, work, technical knowledge, skills, socialization, self-realization.

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