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Kovalenko V.Ye. - Components and criteria of children with typical development and intellectual disorders’ socialization in the ontogenetic dimension


Contact: Kovalenko Viktoriia, PhD of psychology, Associate Professor, Doctoral Candidate of the Department of Psychocorrectional Pedagogy, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine; associate professor of the department of Human Health, Rehabilitology and Special Psychology Department, H.S.Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: the problem of socialization of children with intellectual disabilities in out-of-school education institutions, the  organization of correctional and pedagogical activity of the teacher in the conditions of educational inclusiveness.

The article considers the problem of indicators and criteria of children with typical development and intellectual disabilities’ socialization on the basis of general patterns of their development and socialization. The concept of "indicators and criteria of socialization of school-age children" is characterized as a set of signs and ways to recognize the socialization of the individual at the stages of socialization (adaptation, individualization and integration), as well as in age periods (primary school, adolescence and senior school age). It is revealed that the essence of the components and indicators of socialization at the stage of adaptation is to adapt to new conditions of existence, as a carrier of mental and social. At the stage of individualization by the system-forming unit of socialization of the adolescent the development of socio-psychological qualities necessary for functioning in a social group. It is established that the child's  socialization at the stage of adaptation, individualization and integration in primary school, adolescence and senior school age involves the presence of three components and their corresponding criteria, namely: cognitive component (system of knowledge about social norms and values), emotional-personal (presence of positive self-esteem, humanistic value orientations, social orientation of personality, developed self-consciousness, favorable sociometric status, positive attitude to social norms) and behavioral (formation of socially normative behavior, and roles, active and creative use in their own lives of the system of social norms on the basis of reflexive choice of expediency and necessity). The above components and criteria of socialization are identical for all age groups of  schoolchildren,  only the qualitative content of each of the indicators is subject to change depending on the child’s age.

Key words: socialization, indicators, criteria, children with intellectual disabilities, children with typical development.

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