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Lisova L.I. - Historical analysis of the formation of methods of teaching preschool children with speech disorders to solve arithmetic problems


Contact. Lisova Lyudmila the Ph.D. of Pedagogy, assistant of therapy and special methods of Corrective and Social Pedagogy And Psychology Department of Kamenetz-Podolsk National Ivan Ohienko University, Ukraine.

The proposed article provides analysis of teaching methods for children with speech disorders to solve arithmetic problems. Special importance in education belongs to preschool pedagogy. It is in preschool age in the process of specially organized and stimulated activities, there is a formation of cognitive processes, personality qualities develop. Great importance in education, development, social adaptation and preparation for schooling belongs to the formation of mathematical concepts in preschoolers. After all, in the process of studying mathematics is laid the necessary in later life the ability to analyze the environment, ie to perform actions not only according to clearly developed algorithms, but also to adjust their own behavior in accordance with changing conditions. One of the most important areas of work on the formation of initial mathematical concepts in preschoolers is solving arithmetic problems. Arithmetic arose from the constant practice of man, from his vital needs. It developed constantly and for a long time. The first mention of arithmetic has been known since the beginning of human society. Solving  arithmetic problems is important for the development of cognitive processes and speech in children with speech disorders. Children learn to compose phrases, express their opinions, analyze the meaning of words, establish connections between them, retell the content of the problem, which promotes the development of active and passive vocabulary, the ability to use words grammatically correctly, to build extended sentences.
The formation of methods for the formation of initial mathematical concepts in preschool children were influenced by the basic ideas of school methods of teaching mathematics. Before the creation of a general method of learning to solve arithmetic problems, there was a struggle between two areas: the first, related to the method of studying numbers (monographic method), the second - with the method of studying actions. In the beginning, the theory of teaching preschool children to solve arithmetic problems was designed to help prepare for the perception and mastery of mathematics in general. Later in the method of solving arithmetic problems with preschoolers, the leading place was given to the game, much attention was paid to acquaintance with numerical figures and grouping of objects. Later, scientists developed a program for teaching arithmetic in kindergarten. For the first time, the program stated that older children (6-7 years old) should learn addition and subtraction, as well as solving arithmetic problems in one action. For better perception, understanding of arithmetic problems by preschool children, students suggest starting work with dramatization problems, because they are considered the most understandable and close to children. Thus, the practical actions performed by children give the opportunity to specifically understand the problem and choose the correct arithmetic operation. Once children have mastered dramatization tasks, they are taught to solve illustration problems. In such problems, the action required to solve them did not occur directly in the depicted situation. A number of authors in their works draw attention to the fact that the arithmetic problem in preschool is a preparatory work. In the process of which children must understand the meaning of arithmetic operations. At the stage of preparing children for solving problems, it is suggested to acquaint them with the composition of a number from two smaller numbers. Children are introduced not only to the decomposition of a number into two smaller ones, but also to the method of obtaining a number from two smaller numbers. To consolidate children's knowledge of the composition of a number of two smaller numbers, it is advisable to use a variety of exercises with objects and models of geometric shapes. It is the preliminary acquaintance with the composition of the number from the two smaller numbers that ensures the transition to teaching preschoolers to solve arithmetic problems. According to the results of many years of work, scientists have proposed to follow the following rules when working with preschool children on arithmetic problems: problems
should be only one action - to add when less is added to the greater, or subtraction  - when less is less than the remainder, ie the child should understand what numerical data with which to interact, what can be added and what can be subtracted. The main tasks for children to solve in kindergarten should be dramatization and illustration tasks.

Key words: arithmetic problem, preschool age, solving, speech disorders.

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