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Silonova V., Klein V., Hladush V. - Inclusivity of higher education in slovakia


The purpose of the research was to highlight the inclusivity of higher education institutions in Slovakia; to analyse the legal and regulatory framework ensuring that higher education institutions are accessible to persons with disabilities who require special conditions of socialization in public relations. The research describes the content of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted in the Slovak Republic in 2010 . Highlights of the main principles of the European Union strategy aimed at improving the situation of persons with disabilities; a number of legislative acts of the Slovak Republic guaranteeing the rights of persons to employment regardless of their health status; the objectives, content and main directions of the National Programme for the Improvement of the Living Conditions of Persons with Disabilities for 2014 - 2020 were outlined. The article also dealth with the statistics and experience of organizing rehabilitation activities with students with disabilities at the Catholic University in Ružomberok in the following areas: Information awareness, Social protection, Architectural accessibility of educational and office premises, Observance of sanitary and hygienic standards, Level of treatment and degree of problem solving, Independent way of life and integration into society, Respect state in the university, Quality of education services, Health care, Employment after graduation, Participation in political and public life, Participation in cultural life, Humanitarian emergencies, Monitoring of needs and coordination of assistance; Statistics, Data collection and research, International cooperation. Researchers note that higher education for persons with disabilities is a significant step in their successful rehabilitation and it is an important social condition in ensuring the main goal of successful public socialization. This requires targeted and systematic action by all vocational and higher education institutions.

Keywords: higher education, person with disabilities, inclusivity, rehabilitation, Slovakia.

Stats кількість переглядів546 кількість завантажень244