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Verzhikhovska O. - Correction of personality disorders in adolescents with intellectual disabilities


Contact : Verzhihovska Оlena, PhD of pedagogical, associate professor of the department of psycho-medical-pedagogical foundations of correctional work in Kamynets-Podilsky National Ivan Ogienko University, KamynetsPodilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: the problem of development, education and upbringing of children of different age with intellectual disabilities, psychological and pedagogical bases of correction of intellectual disabilities by means of educational work in this nosology of children.

In the given article the theoretical approach to a problem of development of the personality of teenagers with intellectual disabilities is analyzed, in particular the semantic bases of development of the personality of teenagers are opened; the comparative characteristic of formation of the personality of teenagers with typical development and with intellectual disabilities is given; the peculiarities of the development of the personality of adolescents with intellectual disabilities in the educational process are indicated. 
We have revealed the stages of empirical study of the level of personal development of adolescents with intellectual disabilities according to the relevant criteria, indicators and levels. In particular, the empirical study of the level of personal development of adolescents with intellectual disabilities involves the following stages: analysis of students' activities, observation, compilation of psychological and pedagogical characteristics, conversation on the content of unfinished stories, conversation-game with a child on the content of plot drawings, conversation with a child , use of didactic exercises. In the process of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the level of personality formation of adolescents in this nosology revealed that their actual behavior in each case depends on a number of circumstances, including the state of their emotional and volitional sphere at the moment, they can not always master their behavior. Personality-oriented education of adolescents with intellectual disabilities is aimed at developing their higher cultural needs. The immaturity of the personality of this category of children is due primarily to the peculiarities of the development of its needs, intelligence, emotional sphere, behavior. The most  important methods of forming the personality of adolescents with intellectual disabilities are the education of their habits in the process of various activities, their inclusion in the process of interaction with peers, practical solutions to problem situations, the formation of adequate self-esteem. The development of  the personality of adolescents with intellectual disabilities is possible under the condition of purposeful long-term correctional and educational influence. The starting point in building a program for the development of adolescents with intellectual disabilities should be provisions on the integrity, completeness and harmony of the formation and development of the individual world not only from the biological, physical and psychological, but also from the standpoint of social and spiritual development. The formation of the personality of adolescents with intellectual disabilities is possible through a system of certain pedagogical measures with the indivisible unity of the processes of learning, education and correction. This is facilitated by appropriate psychological and pedagogical conditions (correct daily routine, individual and differentiated approach, organization of assignments, proper control of the relationship between children, etc.). When correcting personality disorders of adolescents with intellectual disabilities, the most effective is the use of conversation with hidden content; reading stories; acting out stories; ending stories; analysis of a series of drawings that include different behaviors of children in one situation; analysis of texts withrelative situations.

Key words: personality, adolescents, typical development, intellectual disabilities, correction, adaptation, socialization.

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