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Bielova O. - The historical formation of integration in the education of persons with special educational needs in the world and domestic practice


Contact: Bielova Olena Borysivna, PhD in of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy and Special Techniques of Kamyanets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: features of the development of cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres of children with speech disorders; speech activity of children with speech disorders.

The scientific-historical analysis of integration in the education of children with special educational needs is carried out in the scientific research. The study aims to study the world and domestic experience in the integration of children with special educational needs. The task of the study is the theoretical analysis and systematization of information on the study of problematic issues, namely: the disclosure of the stages of restructuring of conceptual educational positions; justification of the term – "integration"; study of the historical world experience of integration of persons with disabilities in education; analysis of the process of formation in our country of integration of people with disabilities into the educational space. It is determined that integration in the field of education was initiated in European countries in the XVIII century; from the end of the XIX century and in the early twentieth century in these states, auxiliary classes and schools for people with special educational needs are opened at the legislative level; during this period in the post-Soviet space the basic principles of the integration-pedagogical direction are determined; in the middle of the XX century organizations are being set up to defend human rights and pay considerable attention to the educational problems of people  with disabilities; it is determined that assistance to orphans and people with psychophysical disorders in our country began in the tenth century; in the XV-XVIII centuries start the activities of the institution for the maintenance and training of persons with special educational needs; in the XIX century the first special institutions were opened, and their number increased every year; from the end of the twentieth century to this day, society is becoming aware of the educational issues of people with special educational needs, rehabilitation centers and public organizations are beginning to function, and attention is being paid to early diagnosis and correction; at the state level, integrated and inclusive implementation is carried out in education. It is determined that integrated learning has promising mechanisms for improving the system of education and the upbringing of children with special educational needs, which can complement the technologies of inclusive education.

Keywords: integration, inclusion, children with special educational needs, models of integration, integration in education.

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