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K. Zelinska-Liubchenko, L. Moroz. - Peculiarities of practical training of students-speech therapists of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko in medical institutions and inclusive resource centers


Contact: Zelinska-Liubchenko Kateryna, Senior Lecturer, Logopedic Department of Sumy Makarenko state pedagogical university,
Sumy, Ukraine Academic interests: speech therapy work with children and adults, the problem of professional training of special teachers;. 

Moroz LudmylaPh.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Logopedic Department of Sumy Makarenko state pedagogical university, Sumy, Ukraine. The scientific interests: the problem of professional training of special teachers; the problem of psychological and pedagogical support for children with developmental disorders; correction and development of motor functions in children with severe speech impairment. 

The article highlights the organizational, methodological and substantive features of the training and production practices of future speech therapists at Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko according to the educational program 016 Special education (Speech therapy). The authors determined that the peculiarity of the internship depends on and is determined by the professional qualifications of the teacher-speech therapist, which provides for the training and internship on the relevant bases (secondary and special educational institutions, medical institutions, social  rehabilitation institutions and inclusive resource centers) formation of applicants with the necessary professional competencies for effective future professional activity. According to the educational program and curriculum, the internship is conducted in special and general educational institutions of preschool education (4 th semester), in general secondary education institutions (5 th semester), in general special educational institutions, medical institutions
and IRC (6 th semester). Industrial practice is carried out in all these institutions in the speech therapist positions (8 semester).
Responsibility for the organization, conduct and control of practice rests with the leadership of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko: rector and vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical (educational) work. The general organization, carrying out and control of practice is provided by the department of practice of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko and the Speech Therapy Department. Methodical guidance of the practice is carried out by a responsible methodologist from the specialist of the Speech Therapy Department, who works directly at the speech therapy practice sites.
Special attention is paid in the article to the coverage of the training and production practices specifics by future teachers-speech therapists at medical institutions and inclusive resource centers. During the internship in medical institutions, applicants get acquainted with the speech therapist specifics and learn to provide specialized speech therapy counseling and diagnostic, developmental and correctional care for different ages people and with various developmental and health disorders.
As a teacher-defectologist of the inclusive resource center, applicants get acquainted with their future profession peculiarities at this institution and master the advisory, diagnostic, correctional, developmental and educational-methodical work areas.

Key words: students-speech therapists, practical training, medicalinstitution, inclusive resource center, professional training.

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