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Levitsky V.E., Serbaluk Ju. - The use of elements of the method of global reading in the formation of reading skills in children with intellectual disabilities of primary school age


Contact. Levitsky Vadim Eduardovich – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor department of speech therapy and special
techniques of the faculty of special education in psychology and social work of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, 32300, KamianetsPodilskyi, Ukraine. Scientific interests the special methods of the Ukrainian language and manual labor.

Serbaliuk Yuriy Volodymyrovych – сandidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the department of social pedagogy and social work faculty of special education, psychology and social work of Ivan Ogienko Kamyanets-Podilsky National University (Ukraine), 32300, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Research interests: issues of history and legal support of special education.

The article contains the results of theoretical generalization and practical work on the formation of reading skills in children with intellectual disabilities of primary school age. The success and speed of the child's progress in mastering reading depends on the formation of mental functions, which are the basis of the functional basis of reading. The most important components of the process of reading formation include: vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation of sounds and words of different syllables, phonemic processes, visual and acoustic perception, auditory and visual memory, constructive and dynamic practice, attention.  Research based on the study of the process of learning the native language by students with normative development and the experience of teaching children with intellectual disabilities allowed to put forward methodological provisions, the importance of which becomes especially relevant, namely: communicative orientation of learning; unity in the implementation of areas of work: the development of speech and thinking; obligatory motivation of students' speech and speech activity; formation and reliance on it in educational activities; the relationship of oral and written speech in the process of their development.
The article roughly identifies four stages of formation of the reading process: the formation of motivation, interest in the reading process; assimilation of sounds and letters; study of constituent structures and individual words; reading elementary texts.
The relevance of the use of elements of the method of global reading of children with intellectual disabilities along with the use of orthodox-classical analytical-synthetic method of literacy.
Positive dynamics of reading in students with intellectual disabilities bright. With the development of reading techniques less variability and individual characteristics in the reading process. The speed of reading from class to class increases due to the formation of the integrity of perception. The development of correct reading depending on the year of study can also be traced. The number of errors in each category is significantly reduced. But at all stages the main mistakes are repetition and substitution of words. The reason for this phenomenon is the inertia of nervous processes.

Key words: reading, children with intellectual disabilities, primary school age, methods, techniques, development, quality of reading.

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