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Sviridovich І., Yakovenko S., Letetskaya N. - Features of teaching students with severe speech disorders at the second stage of general secondary education


Contact: Irina Alexandrovna Sviridovich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Special Pedagogy of the Institute of Inclusive Education of Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank;

Sergey Vladimirovich Yakovenko,Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Pre-university Training of Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank;

Natalia Alexandrovna Letetskaya, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher of the Faculty of Pre-university training of Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank;

At present, the ideas of integrated education and upbringing of children with severe speech disorders (hereinafter referred to as SSD) are in great demand in the Republic of Belarus. The students of this category are very diverse in their speech and cognitive abilities. The primary general underdevelopment of speech observed by SSD is reflected in the child's psyche which is manifested in the lag in the development of cognitive activity, slow formation of the main structural components of personality, restriction of cognitive activity and independence. The expansion of practice of integrated training and education, and in the future – inclusive education, actualizes the task of preparing teachers to work in new professional conditions.
The article is devoted to the search for ways to solve the problem of enhancing the educational and cognitive activity of students with severe speech disorders at the second stage of general secondary education. The development of students personality is considered as the main criterion of the educational process effectiveness. The emphasis is put on that educational activity is a leading factor in the development and education of students, if it acts as an integrity, as a certain system. It is noted that today, within the framework of the competence-based approach to teaching physics, like other subjects, it is no longer enough to include academic, scientific issues in the content of lessons. It is necessary that the teacher also poses real problems to the students that correspond directly to their interests and the reality surrounding them. And the main thing is that these problems are personally significant for them. The results of assimilation of accessible and useful life competencies by students with SSD should be monitored and evaluated as no less important than academic achievements. Methodological conditions are considered (adaptation of educational material, taking into account the peculiarities of students' development, implementation of an individual and differentiated approach, algorithmization of activities when working on a particular topic; the connection of the topic under study with real life situations, etc.) and the peculiarities of the teachers correctional and developmental work in the process of mastering subjects concepts of the physical and mathematical cycle.  At the same time, students act simultaneously as objects and subjects of educational activity on which the final result of learning depends - the quality of knowledge and the level of personal qualities development.

Key words: students, severe speech disorders, educational and cognitive activity, motivation, concepts.

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