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Tkach O.M. - Analysis of the preconditions for the development of the semantic component of speech by young infants


Contact: Tkach Oksana Mykhailivna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer of the department of speech therapy and special
techniques of the faculty of correctional and social pedagogy and psychology of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University,
32300, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. Research interests: issues of speech activity formation in children with complex developmental disorders.

The article contains a study of the origin of the first words in infants' speech, ways of their accumulation and awareness of meaning. Children's speech reactions were considered as elements of their adaptive behavior. Analysis of videos of infants from 0 to 12 months. allowed to highlight the main milestones in the early agreement period preceding the emergence of the first words. A specialized method of video-audio recording analysis has been developed: three types of voice reactions (negative voice reactions, neutral-positive reactions, complex voice reactions) and four types of related actions have been identified: indicative-research behavior, communicative activity, intentional-motivational manifestations and lack of behavioral manifestations), as well as some other manifestations. This made it possible to distinguish at least two subsystems in the structure of reactions - voice and cognitive-effective. The results of the research presented in the text show differences in the ways of development of voice and semantic subsystems in early ontogenesis. Theoretical ideas about the origin and development of the semantic (subjective) component in infants in the first months of their lives, the emergence of embryonic forms of consciousness, as well as the role of operant learning described by B. Skinner and E. Thorndike ("situation-reaction-reinforcement") in the formation of the first children's words. Emphasis is placed on the leading importance of enriching the mental and cognitive sphere of the baby, the influence of others, immediate life situations, games, research activities that shape the semantic
experience of the child.

Key words: origin of the word in infants, voice and cognitive-effective reactions, semantic component of the word, consciousness.

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