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Utosova O.I. - Peculiarities of Formation of Educational Competence in Primary School Pupils with Intellectual Disorders


Contact: Utosova Olena Ivanivna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social-Humanitarian and
Ethical-Aesthetic Education of the Zakarpattia Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Uzhhorod, Ukraine. Within the range of scientific interests are: the problem of formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children with severe and moderate intellectual disabilities, the formation of value orientations and social competencies of children with intellectual disabilities.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the readiness of first-graders with intellectual disoeders to study at school. We defined the educational competence of such children as a set of manners of actions and skills of educational activity which provide independence in mastering the knowledge, formation of new skills and the organization on their basis of a new activity. The structure and components of the formation of educational competence are determined: communicative, cognitive, personal and regulatory indicators that define the readiness of the child to learn and the ability to integrate the knowledge. In children with intellectual diorders, these indicators are underdeveloped at the beginning of school, so a significant topical issue of the New Ukrainian School is their study, formation and development. The study of the regulatory and cognitive components of educational competence of children who entered the first grade was conducted using a screening diagnosis of assessment of school skills and learning activities according to the following criteria: for the regulatory component - performing the task according to the model; performing a task according to instructions in one action; performing the task according to the instructions in two or more actions; for the cognitive component - elementary mathematical concepts (shape, color, size); arithmetic representations (number, quantity, figure, arithmetic operations); phonemic representations (sound, letter, syllable, word); lexical and grammatical (generalization, classification). The survey of first-graders was conducted in group and individual forms. The performance of the task was assessed on a 100-point scale, which made it possible to compare the erformance results of children with intellectual disorders and normative development in the study. Psychological and pedagogical study of the educational competence of children with intellectual disorders revealed significant differences in its formation in comparison with normative development. In children with intellectual disorders the average indicator of the regulatory component was 1.6 times lower, and the indicator of the cognitive component of the formation of educational competencies was 2.32 times lower. This indicates the need for differentiated education of children with intellectual disorders in groups according to the level of intellectual disabilitiy. The average performance results of tasks by each child was obtained according to two criteria (cognitive and regulatory).

Key words: educational competencies, children with intellectual disorders, educational institution, readiness to study.

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