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Chopik O. V. The role of teachers of general secondary education in the implementation of the correctional component of inclusive education


Contact: Chopik Olena, PhD of pedagogy, associate professor of the department of special and inclusive education in Kamyanets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic  interests: psychological and pedagogical support of children with special educational needs in an inclusive education.

The article is devoted to the topical problem of participation of teachers of general secondary education institutions in the implementation of the correctional component of inclusive education. The functions of subject teachers have been designated in the article. Violations in the organization of inclusive education and their causes have been emphasized. The essence of the correctional orientation of education and upbringing of pupils with special educational needs in an inclusive institution has been revealed. The methodical readiness of teachers to work in inclusive classes has been studied. Their attitude to inclusive education was studied, how they understand the concept of “inclusion”, it was found out which categories of children with special educational needs they know, which of these children can study in an inclusive institution, who should conduct lessons in an inclusive class, when the correctional component of inclusive education should be implemented, with which categories of children should be conducted correctional classes and for what purpose, what is an individual development program and who should develop it, whether they would like to receive additional information about the peculiarities of education of children with special educational needs, which of the specialists should work teacher, what is the purpose of this cooperation, what conditions should be created for successful educating children, whether they are ready to implement inclusive education, which competencies they need to work in an inclusive institution, what forms of methodological work are appropriate to prepare teachers to work in an inclusive institution. It was found that teachers in general are quite competent in the organization of inclusive education, want to improve their professional level, but are not fully aware of their role as a member of the team of psychological and pedagogical support of children with special educational needs.

Key words: teachers, general secondary education institution, correctional component, inclusive education, children with special
educational needs.

Stats кількість переглядів171 кількість завантажень146