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Dmitriieva O.I., Shvets O.V. - Research of the problem of teachers' attitude to the innovative technologies usage in teaching pupils with intellectual disabilities


Contact: Oksana Dmitriieva, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor at the Department of Special and Inclusive Education of KamianetsPodilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. Academic interests are: legal education of pupils with hearing impairment, psychological and pedagogical maintenance of children with special educational needs in terms of special and inclusive schools, the usage of sign language in the process of education and development of children with hearing impairment.

Oksana Shvets, Master of Special Education, Biology, Nature Sciences and Chemistry teacher at the Pishchanka Special Boarding School of the Vinnytsia Regional Council. Academic interests are: self-oriented learning and the use of project technologies in the education of pupils with special educational needs.

Analysis of the research results of the problem of the teachers’ attitude at a special educational institution to the usage of innovative technologies in the learning process of pupils with intellectual disabilities is represented in this article. It was found that the use of innovative technologies in the educational process of modern secondary schools is an urgent problem in the current education of Ukraine. Scientists have conducted a number of studies, defined the concept of «innovative technologies», described and classified them, noted that today the effectiveness of creative education is associated with a combination of traditional and innovative technologies that enhance cognitive activity and motivation of students, individualization and differentiation of education, increasing the level of independence of pupils, including pupils with intellectual disabilities. However, the practical application of innovative technologies in the educational process of special education institutions causes some difficulties for teachers. The results of a study conducted at a special education institution showed that it is difficult for teachers to define the concept of «innovative technologies», to determine which innovative technologies they use in their own activities. Among the technologies most commonly used by educators in teaching children with intellectual disabilities are game technology, interactive learning technology, information and computer technology, project technology, and self-centered learning technology.
Although the vast majority of teachers (95%) believe that the use of innovative technologies in the learning process of pupils with intellectual disabilities has a positive effect on the quality of pupils' learning, only 25% of respondents admitted to using innovative technologies during their lessons. At the same time, some teachers prefer traditional forms and methods of teaching pupils with intellectual disabilities, consider them effective and efficient in teaching this category of children with special educational needs. Teachers have difficulties in using innovative technologies during their professional activities: 40% of teachers lack computer skills, 40% of respondents do not have enough knowledge about innovative technologies and 20% of respondents indicated that the cause of
their difficulties is insufficient financial resources and technical base of the educational institution.
The research showed that all teachers are positive about the proposals to assist in mastering the practical skills of using innovative technologies, recognizing their use in the modern educational process necessary and relevant.

Key words: pupils with intellectual disabilities, innovative technologies, teachers, special educational institution.

Stats кількість переглядів273 кількість завантажень151