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Dokuchyna T. - Horizontal mobility in the professional activity of special education specialists


Contact: Dokuchyna Tetiana, PhD of pedagogy, associate professor, associate professor of the department of correctional pedagogy and inclusive education in Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: training of special education specialists, formation of professional mobility of special education specialists, psychological and educational assistance for children with special educational needs in special and inclusive educational institutions.

The article analyzes the professional activity of special education specialists as a sphere of manifestation of horizontal professional mobility. According to the theory of social mobility, the types of professional mobility are characterized: vertical and horizontal. Vertical mobility is defined as the transition of a specialist to a professional class of a different status. Horizontal mobility involves various changes and movements (from one position to another, or territorial) in professional activities without career downturns and ups and downs. It is substantiated that the multifaceted professional activity of special education specialists is the basis for horizontal professional mobility. It is determined that the essential characteristics of professional activity determine the features of the manifestation of mobility of specialists. In pedagogical activity, mobility can be manifested in two aspects: readiness to change professional activities and readiness to change the structure of professional activities. Peculiarities of horizontal mobility based on the analysis of professional activity of special education specialists in specialization 016.02 Оligophrenоpedagogy are considered. It is determined that the structure of professional activity of special education specialists is manifested by readiness to perform various  types of work, activities, change of place of work (educational institution) and, accordingly, the category of children with whom the specialist works, change of position, as well as readiness for innovation, and respond quickly to change, self-development, etc. It is determined that the specifics of the professional activity of special education specialists requires the formation of mobility as a quality of the specialist's personality, which is manifested in the readiness for change and rapid adaptation to new conditions.

Key words: mobility, professional mobility, horizontal mobility, special education specialists, professional activity, professional competence.

Stats кількість переглядів282 кількість завантажень144