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Havrilov O., Lisova L. - Formation of intellectual connections in the process of solving arithmetic problems by students of 1-2 grades with severe speech disorders


Contact: Havrilov OleksiyPhD of pedagogу, associate professor, head of the department of speech therapy and special methods in Kamianets - Podilskyi National Ivan Ohienko University, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine.

Lisova Lyudmilа, Ph.D. of рedagogy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of therapy and special methods of Faculty of Special Education, Psychology and Social Work, Ivan Ogienko Kamyanets-Podilsky National University, Ukraine.

This article proposes ways to prepare junior high school students with severe speech disorders to solve arithmetic problems. Arithmetic problems are mathematical models of life situations that arise in the process of communication, performance of activities in life situations: shop, post office, hospital, production, economic and agricultural activities, etc. Analysis of special scientific and methodological sources and materials of our study showed that younger students with severe speech  disorders have a low level of learning arithmetic problems, and at each stage of work on them there are different types of difficulties. The reasons for such difficulties are various, in particular the selective underdevelopment of certain cognitive processes, as well as components of educational activities. As a result, this category of students requires specially organized work aimed at developing skills and abilities to solve arithmetic problems.
The development of skills in solving arithmetic problems by junior students with severe speech disorders can be formed under the condition that the key words to which the student should pay attention when solving problems common to the types of problems, differences in problem texts, intelligent models involving the child in the process of solving and communication systems within these intellectual models. We have analyzed different types of arithmetic problems studied by students with typical development and younger students with severe speech disorders during primary school. It is determined that the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities on the content of problems of different types and different levels of complexity in inclusive learning occurs in a clear sequence: from simple to complex, taking into account the scope of the problem and key words that determine the algorithm.
In the process of solving problems, intellectual models of a specific type are updated, which we have defined as: linear, spiral. Within these models, different systems of intellectual connections can be used: simple, multiple, direct, inverse, one-sided, two-sided. The types of connections correspond to the system of connections between the different parts of the problem, the context in which the supporting words are used to solve the problem. A task is a set of forms (words) and types of social situations built in a clear sequence according to a certain type of connection. In general, the whole system of connections and forms represents a certain integrated (collapsed) model, which we also call intelligent. In order for children with severe speech disorders to learn arithmetic problems effectively, it is necessary to improve their level of awareness of life situations, to form basic intellectual models and to develop the necessary intellectual connections.

Key words: arithmetic problem, intellectual connections, junior high school students, key words, types of problems, severe speech disorders.

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