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Konstantyniv O., Boychuk N. -Peculiarities of development of programming and control functions in children with disorders of written speech


Contact: Oksana Konstantyniv, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy and Special Methods of KamyanetsPodilsky National University named after Ivan Ogienko.

Boychuk Natalia Mykolayivna, Master's student of the Department of Speech Therapy and Special Methods of Kamyanets-Podilsky National University named after Ivan Ogienko.

Younger school age is characterized by the rapid development of arbitrary forms of activity, the formation of higher mental functions (L. Vygotsky, M. Matveeva, etc.). In addition, at this age, the social situation of development, namely the beginning of schooling, makes increased demands on the level of formation of arbitrary regulation of activities. In such conditions, even a slight lack of regulation and control affects the possibility of successful adaptation of the child to the learning situation.
The formation of writing skills is a long and complex process both in the structure of the act of writing and the formation of skills and psychophysiological mechanisms that underlie it. In neuropsychology, according to the principle of systemic structure of higher mental functions, writing, or more broadly - written speech, is considered as a complex functional system, which includes many components that rely on the work of different parts of the brain.  Lack of arbitrary regulation of processes (planning and control functions). Problems with maintaining arbitrary attention, problems of task orientation, inclusion in the task, impulsiveness of decisions and inertia, problems of switching from one task to another are well known to teachers.
In writing, children have difficulties such as regulatory dysgraphia. Namely, errors such as program simplification and pathological inertia are typical. Lack of orientation in the task, distribution of attention and control lead to errors in writing - scientists with speech disorders make the following mistakes: perseverance of letters, perseveration of letter elements (this error is most common in children with insufficient efferent or kinetic organization of movements); omission of elements of letters, letters and syllables; "Sticking" (contamination) of words; anticipation (prediction) of letters ("running in the sky"); errors of language analysis (for example, merged spelling of words instead of separate, lack of selection of the beginning of the sentence), spelling errors (the presence of spelling always complicates the spelling program). The study revealed a low and medium level of development of programming and control in writing.

Key words: dysgraphia, written speech, written speech disorders, programming, control.

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