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Kovalenko V. Ye. - The structure and content of a special educational program for advanced training of teachers of out-of-school education institutions


Contact: Kovalenko Viktoriia, PhD of psychology, Associate Professor, Doctoral Candidate of the Department of Psychocorrectional Pedagogy and Reabilitology, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine; associate professor of the department of Human Health, Rehabilitology and Special Psychology Department, H.S.Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: the problem of socialization of children with intellectual disabilities in out-of-school education institutions, the organization of correctional and pedagogical activity of the teacher in the conditions of educational inclusiveness.

The article presents an educational program for the advanced training of teachers of out-of-school education institutions in the field of remedial education, education and socialization of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities in circle work. The educational program is considered as a single set of educational components (subjects, disciplines, individual tasks, tests, etc.), planned and organized to achieve certain learning outcomes. When developing a special educational program, a systematic approach was applied, the most effective and comprehensive. 
The structure and content of the special educational program are considered, the purpose, focus, orientation, features of the educational program are determined. Program competencies are characterized: integral, general and professional; program learning outcomes, resource support for the implementation of the educational program are determined. Thematic planning for training modules is substantiated, a matrix of compliance of program competencies with training modules of the educational program for organizing and improving the qualifications of teachers of out-of-school education institutions is presented. The matrix of providing programmatic learning outcomes to the relevant training modules is described. The development of this educational program is based on 150 hours, the training period is 1 month. The aim of the program is to improve the professional competencies of teachers of out-of-school education institutions; able to  professionally apply in practice modern pedagogical forms, methods and techniques of working with children with intellectual disabilities; development of professional competencies of teachers of creative associations of institutions of out-of-school education in the process of involving schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities in circle work. 
Therefore, the advanced training of teachers of out-of-school education institutions with the use of a special educational program acquires signs of a functional system aimed at solving the problem of diversified development and enrichment of the general and professional culture of a specialist's personality.

Keywords: out-of-school education, special education program, students with intellectual disabilities, socialization, development, interests.

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