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Levitsky V.E. - Some aspects of the occurrence and prevention of verbal aggressive behavior in adolescents with intellectual disabilities


Contact. Levitsky Vadim – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor department of speech therapy and special techniques of the faculty of special education in psychology and social work of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, 32300, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. Scientific interests the special methods teaching children with mental and physical disabilities.

The article contains the results of theoretical generalization and practical work on the disclosure of certain aspects of aggressive verbal behavior in adolescents with intellectual disabilities and a description of the main pedagogical techniques for its prevention and correction.
The presence of a high concentration of aggression in society and the lack of an unambiguous scientific explanation of this complex phenomenon make research issues one of the current psychological and pedagogical problems, an important promising scientific, theoretical and practical task. The article is devoted to the study of a complex social, psychological, speech phenomenon, which is common in modern society and especially in the school environment, where it is often and vividly manifested. The approach to the study of verbal aggression of adolescents with speech disorders presented in the paper allowed to identify significant aspects of this phenomenon: the origins, level of danger, mechanisms and psychological and pedagogical methods of overcoming.
The main aspects of verbal aggression are: external, formal – verbal design of manifestations: intonation, timbre, tempo, volume of speech, features of diction, suggestive characteristics of the voice; specifics of lexical means and speech constructions; internal, semantic – topics, content, goals of expression.It is not only possible but also necessary to significantly limit the manifestations of verbal aggression in the school environment, as this phenomenon poses a real threat to the implementation  of full-fledged communicative contacts and an effective educational process.
The conducted research allows to continue the work in the direction of developing methods for overcoming verbal aggression in the school speech environment and determining a set of urgent tasks of correctional and preventive work. Solving the problem under study will not only improve the culture of pedagogical communication, normalize the psychological climate in the school community and the implementation of effective educational process, but also in general to harmonize communication between people, the overall health of modern society.

Key words: children with intellectual disabilities, aggression, speech, verbal aggression, causes, corrections.

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