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Vorokh V.I. - Theoretical analysis of the problem of economic education of children with intellectual disabilities


Contact: Vorokh Viktoriia, graduate student of the Department of Special and Inclusive Education, Ivan Ogienko National University of
Kamyanets-Podilsky, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Research interests: socialization of children with intellectual disabilities; speech correction of children with intellectual disabilities; economic education of children with intellectual disabilities.

The article identifies the theoretical prerequisites for the formation of ideas about the essence of economic education in world pedagogy. The basic evolutionary information is given and the critical analysis of scientific works of foreign and domestic researchers concerning economic education as a psychological and pedagogical category is carried out. The position of researchers on the sources of economic education of children is substantiated. The interrelation of economic education of children with their socialization is proved. The main approaches and guidelines of leading Western researchers on the essence of economic education (cognitive, behavioral and interactionist) are identified. Taking into account the above approaches, the interrelated key components of economic socialization of children are given: 1) subjects (agents) of socialization; 2) the process of socialization through learning; 3) individual variables arising from the peculiarities of social structure (sex, age, social status, etc.); 4) the result of the process of socialization (adequate implementation of the chosen economic role). The foreign experience of formation of elementary economic skills in children within the current educational programs in the leading countries of the world is characterized. Related psychological and pedagogical categories: "economic education", "economic education", "economic competence", "economic training", "economic consciousness", "economic thinking", "economic culture", "economic socialization", etc. The possibilities of their synonymous use in the formation of economic skills in children are emphasized. The approaches of scientists to the definition of the term "economic education" are described. For a deeper understanding of  the differences between education and upbringing, the common and distinctive features of these terms are justified. It is emphasized that for the purposes of studying the peculiarities of the acquisition of economic skills by children with intellectual disabilities, it is advisable to use the term "economic education" instead of "economic education". The author's definition of the terms: "economic education", "economic education of children with intellectual disabilities" is given.

Key words: education, economic education, economic education, economic skills, children with intellectual disabilities.

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