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Grynkova N., Lisova L., Opaliuk O. - Contemporary problems of organizing the work of a speech therapist in the conditions of an inclusive resource center


Contact: HRYNKOVA Nadiia, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate ProfessorAssociate Professor at the Department of Theoryand Methods of Education, Rivne State University for the Humanities, Ukraine.

LISOVA Lyudmilа, Ph.D. of рedagogy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of therapy and special methods of Faculty of Special Education, Psychology and Social Work,Ivan Ogienko KamyanetsPodilsky National University, Ukraine.

OPALYUK Oleh, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Fundamentals of Correctional Work, Faculty of Special Education, Psychology and Social Work, Ivan Ogienko Kamyanets-Podilsky National University, Ukraine.

This article highlights and analyzes modern problems of organizing the work of a speech therapist who works in an inclusive resource center: insufficient material and technical support of the office for providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with speech disorders; improving and standardizing the work of a speech therapist in the online mode; provision of psychological-pedagogical and correctional-developmental services to children with special educational needs from families who are refugees or temporarily internally displaced persons, etc. Based on the results of a survey conducted among speech therapist teachers (specialists) of inclusive resource centers, in which 30 respondents took part. The content of the questions in the questionnaire provided for the identification of current problems related to the organization of speech therapy work in inclusive resource centers and ways to solve them. The questionnaire is included in the Google form, in which a survey of speech therapists working in inclusive resource centers was carried out and familiarization with the work experience of a speech therapist in this institution was also identified a number of factors that stand in the way of his effective work. The analysis of the answers gives grounds for the conclusion that the modern system of inclusive education partially meets the needs of children with speech disorders, as 93% of the surveyed speech therapists believe so, 7% are convinced that it does not. According to experts, the organizational and methodical direction  of work needs improvement the most (33%), consultative and educational (27%), correctional and developmental (23) less, and the least number of respondents chose the diagnostic direction of work as the one that needs improvement. Based on the results of our work, we found that the activity of modern inclusive resource centers is limited by a number of problems related to the organization of the work of the institution itself and the specialist (teacher-speech therapist), as well as the state policy and society's attitude to the needs of children with special educational needs and their parents. The conducted survey, as well as observation of the work of a speech therapist in these institutions, gives grounds for the conclusion that the problems that stand in the way of his effective work are related to a number of factors: personal attitude to work and responsibility for the performance of professional duties; the activities of the institution itself, the availability of the necessary material and technical support, the introduction of a data bank of children with special educational needs; state regulation and support for the activities of inclusive resource centers, thereby ensuring the right of children with special educational needs to receive quality education, as well as society's attitude towards such children.

Key words: children with special educational needs; inclusive resource center; speech therapist; speech disorder

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