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Konstantyniv O., Tkach O. - Features of the development of a communicative passport as a means of forming communicative interaction in children with severe speech disorders


Contact: Oksana KONSTANTYNIV, PhD, аssociate Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy and Special Methods of Kamyanets - Podilsky National University named after Ivan Ogienko. In the circle of scientific interests: scientific and methodological aspects of the organization of a developmental and correctional environment for children with systemic speech disorders, a decrease in cognitive interests of varying degrees of severity; Оxana ТKACH, Ph.D. of pedagogical sciences, Senior Lecturer Chair of Speech Therapy and Special methods in the Correctional and Social Pedagogy and Psychology Department of Kamyanets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohienko University. In the field of scientific interests: methodological and methodical aspects of organizing work with children with complex and complex disorders of psychophysical development, problems of overcoming systemic speech disorders, formation of semantic component of speech system.

The communicative process is the basis of communication, the organization of which depends on understanding the system and structure of the process, as well as the nature of the communicative act. Children with severe speech disorders experience difficulties in implementing communication skills. Developmental disorders significantly hinder and limit the full communication of a child with severe speech disorders. One of the means that can help children of this category to interact with the surrounding people is the use of a communicative passport in everyday life. It was determined that the communicative passport of a student with severe speech disorders is a document that displays the basic information about the child necessary for the organization of his full-fledged life in society. This is a practical and individualized method of supporting children, adolescents and adults who find it difficult to talk about themselves. A passport combines versatile information about a person, which is presented in a clear and simple form. In order to develop a communicative passport, an observation of a child with speech disorders, a conversation and a questionnaire of parents were conducted aimed at finding out: assessment of communicative, cognitive, linguistic, psychosocial and motor abilities of a child with severe speech
disorders. The results were reflected in the child's communicative passport in an accessible form, taking into account the student's current and potential communicative needs. The content of the communicative passport of a child with speech disorders includes the following sections: informative (this is a personal first page - information about yourself and close adults); communicative (information about how the child expresses his thoughts, how best to communicate with him, how he reacts to strangers, etc.); cognitive and behavioral (here the basic skills of the child and its character, inclination, warning about the emotional features of the child, about possible negative manifestations in its behavior are described); medical  (this block includes a set of medical indications and contraindications for the child, which drugs may be vitally necessary). It was determined that the use of a communicative passport for a student with severe speech disorders is a necessary condition for her optimal and full socialization in the modern world. In the process of collecting information for filling out the communicative passport, the accumulated information about the child is updated and revised, both by parents and by pedagogical workers interacting with the student. The result of such cooperation is a communicative passport that meets the needs of the child, the requests of parents and the teaching staff.

Key words: communication, child, speech disorder, communicative passport.

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