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Enrichment of lexical stock of pupils of elementary grades with intellectual disabilities by means of visual aids at the lessons of language and reading


Contact: Levitsky Vadim Eduardovich – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Department of Speech therapy and special techniques of the faculty of correctional and social pedagogy and psychology of, Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, 32300, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. Scientific interests: of the special methods of the Ukrainian language and manual labor.

The article contains the results of the theoretical substantiation of methodical ways of enriching the lexical stock of pupils of primary school age with intellectual disabilities in visual aids in language and reading classes.  The study of vocabulary in the educational and cognitive aspect provides a systematic approach to the assimilation of lexical concepts, allows students to acquaint students with the word, as a unit of the lexical system, with the meaning (s) of the word, to study grammar on a lexical basis, to prove the existing links between vocabulary and other components of language and speech.  One of the most important tasks of speech development in an elementary school is the direction and order (systematization) of vocabulary work, the identification of the main directions and their rationale, the management of the process of enriching the lexical fund of schoolchildren.

The limited active vocabulary in children with intellectual disabilities learning in primary school, as well as their inability to select from their vocabulary and correctly use in speech the words most relevant and accurate for the given utterance, is one of the reasons for the many and varied mistakes that the students  allow in utterances and written works.  Eliminate these shortcomings and thereby significantly improve the level of speech culture of children possible in the case of systematically and systematically carried out work to enrich, refine and activate the vocabulary. At the same time, students should be taught the conscious and skillful choice and the use of words from their vocabulary, as previously known to them, and the words with which they first become acquainted.

The establishment of semantic connections in the dictionary is important in that it promotes the formation of an adequate approach to the understanding of synonyms and antonyms, lexical compatibility and more accurate use of vocabulary.

Key words: dictionary, vocabulary work, mental development disorders, vocabulary, children of primary school age, methodology.

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