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organizational and content aspects of activity of specialists of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions on differential diagnostics


Contact: Kalatsey Irina Viktorovna, master's student of the Department of speech therapy of the Institute of inclusive education of the Belarusian state University. Maxim Tank", Minsk, Republic Of Belarus. In the sphere of scientific interests the problem of differential diagnosis of speech disorders, organizational and substantive aspects of the psychological, medical and pedagogical Commission.

The article presents the results of a study of the practice of specialists of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions on organizational and substantive aspects of differential diagnosis of speech disorders. The main emphasis is made on the study of the process of examination of children of early preschool age. The relevance of this problem is due to the increase in the number of children of early and early preschool age with a wide range and variability of speech disorders, as well as the lack of development of programs of differential diagnosis of speech disorders, taking into account the leading activity of children of early preschool age. In the course of the survey the results of the diagnostic tools used in the examination of children of preschool age, significant criteria for assessing the lexical side of speech, grammatical structure, pronunciation and the level of development of coherent speech of children of preschool age, variable strategies for building the survey process, the nature of difficulties in the diagnosis of children of this age group. The results suggest the need for further development of the content of programs of differential diagnosis of speech disorders in children of preschool age.

Key words: differential diagnostics, psychological-medical-pedagogical Commission, speech disorders, preschool children.

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