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Substantiation of the content of general labor properties and value relations in the system of formation of professional labor competence among students of a special school


Contact: Vladimir Tovstogan, candidate of pedagogical sciences, , Kherson state University, Kherson, Ukraine. Academic interests: correction of children's with intellectual disabilities from the preschool age to the school age, problems of labor education and upbringing, a methodology for the formation of labor competence in students with special educational needs.

The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis aimed at ascertaining personal characteristics and values that would serve as the basis for the formation of a competitive, competent graduate of a special school. The interrelation between general labor and professional personal qualities and abilities is traced. Based on the study of the requirements of educational regulatory documents in Ukraine, the analysis of scientific sources, the sequence of development of the child's general labor qualities in ontogenesis is determined, which should serve as the basis for the development of professional skills, abilities and competencies. The age segments that are most favorable for the formation of personal qualities necessary for the formation of general labor and special abilities have been identified. The basic values that form the basis of correctional and educational work with the aim of forming value relations that determine the life, including professional, orientation of pupils of special schools have been determined. It was stated that the assessment of the formation of the structural components of occupational competence, namely: profile labor, graphic, computing, social, professional, informational, economic, should include knowledgeable, operational and organizational, motivational and axiological indicators. The exact structure of competence is determined by the requirements of the professions of the working professions that students learn in special schools. The organic link of the activity and personality-oriented conceptual approaches in the implementation of the competence-based approach to the results of education is underlined. The significance of separate components of professional and labor competence concerning the acquisition of competitiveness and mobility by the young person in the labor market is revealed.

Key words: special education, competence, integrated graduate model, personality qualities, abilities, universal values.

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