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Issue 23

Pryadko L. - Application of the ase method in improving general secondary education institutions teachers’ inclusive competence
Pryadko L. - Application of the ase method in improving general secondary education institutions teachers’ inclusive competence
Сontact: Lubov PRYADKO, assistant professor, Ph.D., assistant professor of Department of Vocational Education and Management of Sumy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Sumy, Ukraine. In terms of research: an implementation of inclusive education in Ukraine, a differentiated a...
Stakhova L., Zelinska-Liubchenko K., Kravchenko A. - Logarithmic exercises in the correcting speech disorders process of preschool children
Stakhova L., Zelinska-Liubchenko K., Kravchenko A. - Logarithmic exercises in the correcting speech disorders process of preschool children
Contact: Larisa STAKHOVA, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, associate professor of logopaedics department at Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine. The range of scientific aims: the problem of correction general disturbance of speech underdevelopment among the preschool ch...
Stakhova L., Povaliashko N. - Development of dialogic speech in children with general underdevelopment of speech
Stakhova L., Povaliashko N. - Development of dialogic speech in children with general underdevelopment of speech
Contact: Larisa STAKHOVA, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, associate professor of logopaedics department at Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine. The range of scientific aims: the problem of correction general disturbance of speech underdevelopment among the preschool ch...
М. Suprun, D. Suprun, I. Martsinovska - Professor O.M. Graborov and Ukrainian special pedagogy
М. Suprun, D. Suprun, I. Martsinovska - Professor O.M. Graborov and Ukrainian special pedagogy
Contact: SUPRUN Mykola, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Special Education, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine. Academic interests: special pedagogy, correctional pedagogy, penitentiary pedagogy and psychology, special and incl...
Tkach O.M. - Сharacteristics of manifestations of infantry symptoms in children with motor alaliya
Tkach O.M. - Сharacteristics of manifestations of infantry symptoms in children with motor alaliya
Contact: Oksana TKACH, Ph.D of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Speech Therapy and Special Methods, Faculty of Special Education, Psychology and Social Work, Kamianets-Podilskyi National University named after Ivan Ohienko. In the circle of scientific ...
Khokhlina О.P., Synyov V.M. - On the problem of psychological substantiation of the principle of consciousness in teaching students with mental disabilities
Khokhlina О.P., Synyov V.M. - On the problem of psychological substantiation of the principle of consciousness in teaching students with mental disabilities
Contact: KHOKHLINA Оlena, Grand PhD of рsychology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Aviation Psychology of the National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific  interests: Theoretical-methodological problems of general, special psychology and pedagogy; problem of co...
Savytska N. - Stimulation of phonation and articulatory skills in the context of dysphagia therapy in post-stroke patients with a tracheostomy
Savytska N. - Stimulation of phonation and articulatory skills in the context of dysphagia therapy in post-stroke patients with a tracheostomy
Contact: Savytska Nadia, assistant of the department of speech therapy and special methods in Kamyanets-Podilsky National Ivan Ohienko University, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: correction of aphatic disorders and restoration of swallowing function in adults with organic lesions of...

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  • V. Hladush – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Catholic University in Ružomberok, Slovak Republic.
  • D. Shulzhenko – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychocorrectional Pedagogy and Rehabilitation at Mykhailo Drahomanov Ukrainian State University.
  • O. Bielova – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy and Speech Psychology at Ivan Ohienko Kamianets-Podilskyi National University.

Editorial board

  • V. Bondar, Doctor of pedagogy, professor, existing member of National APS of Ukraine;
  • Y. Bondarenko, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • N. Havrylova, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor;
  • O. Gavrylov, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor (chief editor);
  • V. Hladush, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • I. Demchenko, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • T. Dokuchina, Ph.D. in pedagogy, associate professor;
  • I. Ivashkevych, Ph.D. in psychology, senior lecturer;
  • V. Klein, Ph.D. in philosophy, associate professor;
  • I. Kobel, Ph.D. in philosophy, associate professor;
  • O. Konstantyniv, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor (responsible secretary);
  • Е.М. Kulesha, Ph.D. in philosophy, professor;
  • J. Lashchik, Ph.D. in humanities, professor;
  • I. Martynenko, Doctor of psychology, associate professor;
  • O. Martynchuk, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • S. Myronova, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • M. Panov, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor;
  • O. Pozdnyakova, Ph.D. in pedagogy, associate professor;
  • L. Rudenko, Doctor of psychology, professor;
  • V. Synyov, Doctor of pedagogy, professor, an existing member of National APS of Ukraine (science editor);
  • T. Skrypnyk, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • D. Suprun, Doctor of pedagogy, associate professor;
  • M. Suprun, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • A. Shevtsov, Doctor of pedagogy, professor, existing member of National APS of Ukraine; M. Sheremet, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • S. Yakovleva, Doctor of pedagogy, professor.

In press on the authority of Scientific board of Kamyanets-Podilsky National Ivan Ohienko University (protocol №-- -------------2023)

А-43 Actual problems of the correctional education (pedagogical sciences): Сollection of scientific papers: Issue 23 / edited by O. Havrylov. Kamyanets-Podilsky: Publisher Kovalchuk O.V., 2024. 378 p.
ISSN 2413-2578

ISSN 2706-7173 (online)

ICV 2020 81.40

DOI 10.32626/2413-2578. 2024-23

The collection of scientific works, founded in 2010 by Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, addresses current issues in special education and the challenges of inclusive learning. It features a wide range of scientific contributions from both domestic and international researchers. The scientific papers analyze modern approaches to the organization of educational, correctivedevelopmental, and rehabilitation work. They also present developments by practitioners working with various age groups of children with special educational needs, both in different types of educational and rehabilitation institutions and within inclusive education settings and family environments. The collection specifically highlights the issues faced by individuals with psychophysical developmental disorders after completing their education and the relevant areas of work with them.
This collection of scientific works is intended for researchers, practitioners, doctoral and postgraduate students, master's students, and higher education students specializing in Special Education (016), as well as parents raising children with special educational needs and anyone interested in special education and the organization of inclusive learning.

ISSN 2413-2578

ISSN 2706-7173 (online)

ICV 2020 81.40

DOI 10.32626/2413-2578. 2024-23

UDC 376 (082) 

LBC 74.30

© Authors of the articles, 2024