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Issue 21

Bielova O. Outline of the problem of developing the phonetic level of speech in older preschool children with logopathology
Bielova O. Outline of the problem of developing the phonetic level of speech in older preschool children with logopathology
Contact: Bielova Olena Borysivna, PhD in of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy and Special Techniques of Kamyanets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: features of the development ...
Verzhikhovska O., Hrytsiv I. - Peculiarities of the development of social and everyday skills in high school students with intellectual disabilities
Verzhikhovska O., Hrytsiv I. - Peculiarities of the development of social and everyday skills in high school students with intellectual disabilities
Contact : Verzhihovska Оlena, PhD of pedagogical, associate professor of the department of psycho-medical-pedagogical foundations of correctional work in Kamynets-Podilsky National Ivan Ogienko University, KamynetsPodilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: the problem of development, education and upbr...
Haletska Y., Levitsky V. - The use of pictograms in speech therapy work with preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech II-III level
Haletska Y., Levitsky V. - The use of pictograms in speech therapy work with preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech II-III level
Contact: Yuliya HALETSKA – Ph.D., senior lecturer of speech therapy and special techniques department Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University. Vadim LEVITSKY – Ph.D., associate professor department of speech therapy and special techniques KamianetsPodilsky Ivan Ohienko National Univers...
GOLUB N. - Correction and development of the lexico-semantic component of speech in younger schoolchildren with a general underdevelopment of speech in the process of their mastering of reading and writing skills
GOLUB N. - Correction and development of the lexico-semantic component of speech in younger schoolchildren with a general underdevelopment of speech in the process of their mastering of reading and writing skills
Information about author: Nataliya GOLUB, PhD of pedagogical sciences, associate professor at the Department of Special Pedagogy of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Academic interests: problems of correctional and developing work with junior schoolchildren w...
Grynkova N., Lisova L., Opaliuk O. - Contemporary problems of organizing the work of a speech therapist in the conditions of an inclusive resource center
Grynkova N., Lisova L., Opaliuk O. - Contemporary problems of organizing the work of a speech therapist in the conditions of an inclusive resource center
Contact: HRYNKOVA Nadiia, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate ProfessorAssociate Professor at the Department of Theoryand Methods of Education, Rivne State University for the Humanities, Ukraine. LISOVA Lyudmilа, Ph.D. of рedagogy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of therapy and special m...
Konstantyniv O., Tkach O. - Features of the development of a communicative passport as a means of forming communicative interaction in children with severe speech disorders
Konstantyniv O., Tkach O. - Features of the development of a communicative passport as a means of forming communicative interaction in children with severe speech disorders
Contact: Oksana KONSTANTYNIV, PhD, аssociate Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy and Special Methods of Kamyanets - Podilsky National University named after Ivan Ogienko. In the circle of scientific interests: scientific and methodological aspects of the organization of a developmental an...
Lukachovych H.O. - Methodical aspects of enriching the lexical reserve of older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech by means of natural and environmental education
Lukachovych H.O. - Methodical aspects of enriching the lexical reserve of older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech by means of natural and environmental education
Contact: Halyna LUKACHOVYCH, graduate student of the 2nd year of specialty 016 special education in Kamyanets-Podilsky National Ivan Ohienko University, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: the problem of the formation of lexical-semantic skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopm...
Milevska O., Savitska Н. - Peculiarities of forming verbal vocabulary in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech through the development of verbal prediction skills
Milevska O., Savitska Н. - Peculiarities of forming verbal vocabulary in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech through the development of verbal prediction skills
Contact: Olena MILEVSKA, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Аssociate professor of the Department of Speech Therapy and Special Techniques of KamianetsPodilskyi Ivan Ohiіenko National University, Ukraine. Scientific interests: didactic and methodological aspects of the formation of lexical skills in children with ...
Savytska N. - Theoretical analysis of the problem of gestural stimulation while working with post-stroke aphasia patients
Savytska N. - Theoretical analysis of the problem of gestural stimulation while working with post-stroke aphasia patients
Contact: SAVYTSKA Nadia, assistant of the department of speech therapy and special methods in Kamyanets-Podilsky National Ivan Ohienko University, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: correction of aphatic disorders and restoration of swallowing function in adults with organic lesions of...
Sуnytsia A. - Programmatic and methodological complex of speech therapy support for young children with cerebral palsy
Sуnytsia A. - Programmatic and methodological complex of speech therapy support for young children with cerebral palsy
Contact: SYNYTSІA Alina, Senior teacher of the department of applied psychology and speech therapy, Faculty of preschool, special and social education, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraina; post graduate student of the Departmen of Speech- language pathology (SLP) and Speeah...
Spivak V. - Theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of persons with psychophysical disorders
Spivak V. - Theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of persons with psychophysical disorders
Contact: Vitaly Spivak, PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work, Ivan Ohienko KamianetsPodilskyi University, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. In the circle of scientific interests: problems of self-regulation of the personality of future specia...
Sheremet M., Havrilova N., Fedorenko S., Tyshchenko V., Milevska O., Tkach O., Pinchuk Y., Shvaliuk T., Konstantyniv O., Havrilov O. - Scientific, theoretical, and applied approaches to the formation of professional competencies in a speech therapist teacher
Sheremet M., Havrilova N., Fedorenko S., Tyshchenko V., Milevska O., Tkach O., Pinchuk Y., Shvaliuk T., Konstantyniv O., Havrilov O. - Scientific, theoretical, and applied approaches to the formation of professional competencies in a speech therapist teacher
Contact: Maria Sheremet, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Special Psychology and Medicine at the Ukrainian State University named after Mykhailo Drahomanov, Kyiv, Ukraine; Natalia  Havrilova, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Speech Therapy and Special Techniques at Ka...

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  • V. Hladush - Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Catholic University in Ruzhomberk, Slovakia
  • S. Fedorenko Doctor of Pedagogy, professor of the Speech Therapy and Logopsychology Department of the Ukrainian State Mykhailo Dragomanov University
  • O. Globa Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Speech Therapy and Special Methods Department of the Kamyanets-Podilskyi Natioal Ivan Ohienko University

Editorial board:

  • V. Bondar, Doctor of pedagogy, professor, existing member of National APS of Ukraine;
  • Y. Bondarenko, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • N. Havrylova, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor;
  • O. Gavrylov, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor (chief editor);
  • V. Hladush, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • I. Demchenko, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • T. Dokuchina, Ph.D. in pedagogy, associate professor;
  • I. Ivashkevych, Ph.D. in psychology, senior lecturer;
  • V. Klein, Ph.D. in philosophy, associate professor;
  • I. Kobel, Ph.D. in philosophy, associate professor;
  • O. Konstantyniv, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor (responsible secretary);
  • Е.М. Kulesha, Ph.D. in philosophy, professor;
  • J. Lashchik, Ph.D. in humanities, professor;
  • I. Martynenko, Doctor of psychology, associate professor;
  • O. Martynchuk, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • S. Myronova, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • M. Panov, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor;
  • O. Pozdnyakova, Ph.D. in pedagogy, associate professor;
  • L. Rudenko, Doctor of psychology, professor;
  • V. Synyov, Doctor of pedagogy, professor, an existing member of National APS of Ukraine (science editor);
  • T. Skrypnyk, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • D. Suprun, Doctor of pedagogy, associate professor;
  • M. Suprun, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • A. Shevtsov, Doctor of pedagogy, professor, existing member of National APS of Ukraine;
  • M. Sheremet, Doctor of pedagogy, professor (chief editor);
  • S. Yakovleva, Doctor of pedagogy, professor.

In press on the authority of Scientific board of Kamyanets-Podilsky National Ivan Ohienko University (protocol №8 29/06/2023)

А-43 Actual problems of the correctional education (pedagogical sciences): Сollection of scientific papers: Issue 21 / edited by M. Sheremet, O. Havrylov. Kamyanets-Podilsky: Publisher Kovalchuk O.V., 2023. 190 p.
ISSN 2413-2578

ISSN 2706-7173 (online)

ICV 2020 81.40

DOI 10.32626/2413-2578. 2023-21

The collection of scientific works highlights important issues of special and inclusive education, presenting a wide spectrum of scientific researches and practical investigations of native scientists. It contains specialties of organization and development of educational, correctional and developing, and rehabilitative work with different age groups of persons with special education needs in the conditions of preschool, school, and after-school special institutions, and in the process of inclusive education and family fostering. The collection of scientific included in the list scientometric databases Index Copernicus, Scholar Google. It is also included in the category "B" dated 27/09/2021, according to the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, which allows publishing the results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Sciences, Candidate of Sciences, and Doctor of Philosophy.

ISSN 2413-2578

ISSN 2706-7173 (online)

ICV 2020 81.40

DOI 10.32626/2413-2578. 2023-21

UDC 376 (082)

LBC 74.30

© Authors of the articles, 2023