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Issue 22

Havrilova N., Fedorenko S., Tyshchenko V., Milevska O., Tkach O., Pinchuk Y., Shvaliuk T., Konstantyniv O., Havrilov O. - Scientific-theoretical and applied approaches to the formation of professional competences of a speech-language therapist
Havrilova N., Fedorenko S., Tyshchenko V., Milevska O., Tkach O., Pinchuk Y., Shvaliuk T., Konstantyniv O., Havrilov O. - Scientific-theoretical and applied approaches to the formation of professional competences of a speech-language therapist
Contact: Natalia HAVRILOVA, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Professor, Department of Speech Therapy and Special Techniques at KamianetsPodilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine;  Svitlana FEDORENKO, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Department of Speech Therapy and Special T...
Verzhikhovska O., Hrytsiv I. - Peculiarities of the development of social and everyday skills in high school students with intellectual disabilities
Verzhikhovska O., Hrytsiv I. - Peculiarities of the development of social and everyday skills in high school students with intellectual disabilities
Contact : Verzhihovska Оlena, PhD of pedagogical, associate professor of the department of psycho-medical-pedagogical foundations of correctional work in Kamynets-Podilsky National Ivan Ogienko University, Kamynets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: the problem of development, education and upb...
Haletska Y. - Peculiarities of speech ontogenesis of preschoolers with normotypical development and with combined developmental disorders
Haletska Y. - Peculiarities of speech ontogenesis of preschoolers with normotypical development and with combined developmental disorders
Contact: Haletska Yuliya – Ph.D., associate professor, senior lecturer of speech therapy and special techniques department KamianetsPodilsky Ivan Ohienko National University. In the article it is determined that from the variety of speech heard by the child, he chooses, assimilates and creates what...
Honcharuk N.M., Chikyda S.S. - Differential analysis of the formation of adjectival vocabulary in younger schoolchildren with speech disorders and normotypical development
Honcharuk N.M., Chikyda S.S. - Differential analysis of the formation of adjectival vocabulary in younger schoolchildren with speech disorders and normotypical development
Contact: Nataliіa Honcharuk, Doctor of psychological sciences, associate professor of the department of general and practical psychology of the Ivan Ohienko National University of Kamianets-Podilskyi, KamianetsPodilskyi, Ukraine. Academic interests: the problem of mental development of children of v...
Hrynkova N., Lisova L., Opaliuk O. - Characteristics of the professional competence of the teacher-speech therapist of the inclusive resource center
Hrynkova N., Lisova L., Opaliuk O. - Characteristics of the professional competence of the teacher-speech therapist of the inclusive resource center
Contact: Hrynkova Nadiia, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate ProfessorAssociate Professor at the Department of Theoryand Methods of Education,Rivne State University for the Humanities, Ukraine. Lisova Lyudmilа, Ph.D. of рedagogy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of therapy and special me...
Zyuzin Yu. V. - Speech breathing formation of children by means of adaptive physical education and speech therapy
Zyuzin Yu. V. - Speech breathing formation of children by means of adaptive physical education and speech therapy
Contact: Yuriy Zyuzin – graduate student of the Department of Pedagogy and Special Education "Dnipro National University named afterOles Honchar", physical education instructor OSDNZ №193, Odesa, Ukraine. Academic interests: correction of violations of speech development of preschoolers with genera...
Simko A. - Peculiarities of conducting correctional and speech therapy work in the formation of social competence of children with general speech underdevelopment
Simko A. - Peculiarities of conducting correctional and speech therapy work in the formation of social competence of children with general speech underdevelopment
Contakt: Simko Alla, PhD, senior lecturer in speech therapy and special techniques Kamianetz-Podilskiy Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianetz-Podilskiy, Ukraine. Academic interests: problems of correction of psychomotor development and research of psychomotor activity of children of preschool ...
Spivak V., Levytskyi V. - Peculiarities of the work of special secondary education institutions with students' families
Spivak V., Levytskyi V. - Peculiarities of the work of special secondary education institutions with students' families
Contact: Spivak Vitaly – PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work, Ivan Ohienko Kamianets-Podilskyi University, Kamianets-Podilskyi (Ukraine). In the circle of scientific interests: problems of self-regulation of the personality of future spe...

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  • B. Kovachova Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Special Pedagogy at the Catholic University in Ružomberok, Republic of Slovakia
  • M. Dudek A doctor of habilitation, professor at the Humanities Collegium of the Warsaw Higher School, Republic of Poland V. Lobunets Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Education at Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University

Editorial board:

  • V. Bondar, Doctor of pedagogy, professor, existing member of National APS of Ukraine;
  • Y. Bondarenko, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • N. Havrylova, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor;
  • O. Gavrylov, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor (chief editor);
  • V. Hladush, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • I. Demchenko, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • T. Dokuchina, Ph.D. in pedagogy, associate professor;
  • I. Ivashkevych, Ph.D. in psychology, senior lecturer;
  • V. Klein, Ph.D. in philosophy, associate professor;
  • I. Kobel, Ph.D. in philosophy, associate professor;
  • O. Konstantyniv, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor (responsible secretary);
  • Е.М. Kulesha, Ph.D. in philosophy, professor;
  • J. Lashchik, Ph.D. in humanities, professor;
  • I. Martynenko, Doctor of psychology, associate professor;
  • O. Martynchuk, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • S. Myronova, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • M. Panov, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor;
  • O. Pozdnyakova, Ph.D. in pedagogy, associate professor;
  • L. Rudenko, Doctor of psychology, professor;
  • V. Synyov, Doctor of pedagogy, professor, an existing member of National APS of Ukraine (science editor);
  • T. Skrypnyk, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • D. Suprun, Doctor of pedagogy, associate professor;
  • M. Suprun, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • A. Shevtsov, Doctor of pedagogy, professor, existing member of National APS of Ukraine;
  • M. Sheremet, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • S. Yakovleva, Doctor of pedagogy, professor.

In press on the authority of Scientific board of Kamyanets-Podilsky National Ivan Ohienko University (protocol №14 від 30.12.2023)

А-43 Actual problems of the correctional education (pedagogical sciences): Сollection of scientific papers: Issue 22 / edit. by O. Havrylov. Kamyanets-Podilsky: Publisher Kovalchuk O.V., 2023. 146 p.
ISSN 2413-2578

ISSN 2706-7173 (online)

ICV 2020 81.40

DOI 10.32626/2413-2578. 2023-22

The collection addresses current issues in special education and features the specifics of inclusive education. It presents a wide range of scientific research and practical achievements by domestic researchers. The publication highlights the nuances of organizing and conducting educational, corrective-developmental, and rehabilitation work with various age groups of children with special educational needs, both in the conditions of preschool, school, and extracurricular educational institutions. Additionally, there are separate discussions on current issues related to the development of professional standards for the professions of "Speech Therapist" and "Speech and Language Therapist." The collection of scientific papers is included in the list of scientometric databases, namely Index Copernicus and Google Scholar. The collection is categorized as "B" from 27.09.2021 according to the list of scientific professional publications in Ukraine, where the results of dissertation research for obtaining scientific degrees of Doctor of Sciences, Candidate of Sciences, and Doctor of Philosophy can be published.

ISSN 2413-2578

ISSN 2706-7173 (online)

ICV 2020 81.40

UDC 376-056.2/.3(082)я431

LBC 74.30