of correctional education
(pedagogical sciences)
Issue 18

UDC 376 (082)
LBC 74.30
- O. Globa - doctor of pedagogy, professor, Department of Speech Therapy and Special Methods in Kamianets-Podіlskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University
- V. Hladush - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Special and Medical Pedagogy of the Yura Palesh Institute of the Catholic University in Ruzomberk
- T. Lisovskaia - Doctor of pedagogy Department of Special Pedagogy, Institute of Inclusive Education in Maxim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University
Editorial board:
- V. Bondar, Doctor of pedagogy, professor, existing member of National APS of Ukraine;
- Y. Bondarenko, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
- N. Havrylova, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor;
- O. Gavrylov, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor (executive editor);
- V. Hladush, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
- I. Demchenko, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
- T. Dokuchina, Ph.D. in pedagogy, associate professor;
- I. Ivashkevych, Ph.D. in psychology, senior lecturer;
- V. Klein, Ph.D. in philosophy, associate professor;
- I. Kobel, Ph.D. in philosophy, associate professor;
- O. Konstantyniv, Ph.D. in psychology, senior lecturer;
- Е.М. Kulesha, Ph.D. in philosophy, professor;
- J. Lashchik, Ph.D. in humanities, professor;
- I. Martynenko, Doctor of psychology, associate professor;
- O. Martynchuk, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
- S. Myronova, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
- M. Panov, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor;
- O. Pozdnyakova, Ph.D. in pedagogy,associate professor;
- L. Rudenko, Doctor of psychology, professor;
- V. Synyov, Doctor of pedagogy, professor, existing member of National APS of Ukraine (science editor);
- T. Skrypnyk, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
- D. Suprun, Doctor of pedagogy, associate professor;
- M. Suprun, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
- A. Shevtsov, Doctor of pedagogy, professor, existing member of National APS of Ukraine;
- M. Sheremet, Doctor of pedagogy, professor (chief editor);
- S. Yakovleva, Doctor of pedagogy, professor.
In press on the authority of Scientific board of Kamyanets-Podilsky National Ivan Ohienko University (protocol №14 dated 25.11.2021)
А-43 Actual problems of the correctional education (pedagogical sciences): Сollection of scientific papers: Issue 18 / edited by M.V. Sheremet. Kamyanets-Podilsky: Publisher Kovalchuk O.V., 2021. 176 p.
ISSN 2413-2578
ISSN 2706-7173 (online)
ICV 2020 = 81.40
DOI 10.32626/2413-2578. 2021-18
The collection of scientific works highlights important issues of special and inclusive education, presenting a wide spectrum of scientific researches and practical investigations of native and foreign scientists. It contains specialties of organization and development of educational, correctional and developing, and rehabilitative work with different age groups of persons with special education needs in the conditions of pre-school, school, and after-school special institutions, and in the process of inclusive education and family fostering.
The collection of scientific included in the list scientometric databases Index Copernicus, Scholar Google.
ISSN 2413-2578
ISSN 2706-7173 (online)
ICV 2020 = 81.40
DOI 10.32626/2413-2578. 2021-18
UDC 376 (082)
LBC 74.30
© Authors of the articles, 2021