Current issues
of correctional education
(pedagogical sciences)
of correctional education
(pedagogical sciences)
Current issues of correctional education (.doc)
We accept the articles twice a year by the e-mail
Issue №14 (2019)

Moga N.D. - Сorrectional strategy in physical education of early age children with a spastic type of motor disorders
Contact: Moga Nikolay Danilovich, PhD of pedagogy, doctoral student of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, department of Orthopedagogy, Orthopsihology and Rehabilitation. Academic interests: problem of musculoskeletal system disorders in preschoolers, correction of spastic forms in children ...

Polykovski M. - Study of Creative-Practical Component of Figurative Speech among Young Pupils with Low and Normal Vision
Contact: Polykovski Marina, a graduate student of the department of ophthalmopedagogy and ophthalmopsychology, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Academic interests: issues related to the speech development of children with visual impairment.
The article reviews the issues ...

Prytykovska S.D. - Theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of the speech tempo and rhythm by means of musicalrhythmic and physical education
Contact: Assistant Professor Prytykovska Svitlana, PhD., South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University after Ushynsky, Odesa, Ukraine. Academic interests: corrective influence of coordination abilities on development of children's speech; neuropsychological foundations for the formation of motor a...

Simko A.V. - On the issue of the features of psychomotor activity and the structure of the levels of constructing movements on the example of children with psychophysical development violations
Contakt: Simko Alla, PhD, senior lecturer in speech therapy and special techniques Kamianetz-Podilskiy Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianetz-Podilskiy, Ukraine. Academic interests: problems of correction of psychomotor development and research of psychomotor activity of children of preschool a...

Sviderska M.M. - Program for developing speech comprehension by second-form pupils with complex disorders of psychophysical development.
Contact: Graduate Student Svidersky Marina, Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academik interests: the problem of comprehension of speech by children with autism at junior school age.
The level of correct perception, procession and acquisition of the h...

Serbova O., Lopatina H., Tsybuliak N. - Emotional burnout of a special education teacher
Contacts: Serbova Olha, PhD of psychology, associate professor of the department of applied psychology and speech therapy in Berdiansk State Pedagogical University, Berdiansk, Ukraine. Academic interests: empowerment and self-empowerment in the work of a psychologist with teachers.
Lopatina Hanna,...

Sinitsya A.O. - The relevance of the speech therapy for young children with cerebral palsy in modern society
Contact: Sinitsa Alina Alexandrovna - Postgraduate Student at the Departments Speech Therapy and Logopsychology National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, .Kiev, Ukraine. In the circle of scientific interests: speech therapy for children with psychophysical disorders, correctional-abolition work wi...

Skrypnyk T. - Specificity of implementation interdisciplinary command support in the inclusive educational environment of Ukraine.
Contact: Tetiana Skrypnyk, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Special psychology and inclusive education. Institute of Human Sciences of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.
The article is devoted to the implementation of effective multidisciplinary team support for children with sp...

Taran, O.P., Lisaychuk A.S. - Peculiarity of the emotional competence of children of an early preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech
Contact: Taran Oksana, PhD of psychology, associate professor of the department of special psychology, collegiate and inclusive education of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine. Academic interests: issues of development and formation of self-consciousness, psychological picture of the worl...

Fedorenko S., Tetyana G., Synova E., Fedorenko I. - Study of spelling and punctuation literacy of pupils of 6-7 grades with low vision in terms of inclusive education.
Contact: Fedorenko Svitlana, Dr. habil., professor, head of the department of speech therapy and logopsychology National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine. Academic interests: the development of a methodology for teaching the language of children with visual impairment.
Tetyana Grebe...

Fedorchuk L.P. - The forming of psychological and pedagogical competence of the nurses for inclusive education
Contact: Fedorchuk Liliia, graduate student of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, faculty of special and inclusive education, chair of special psychology and medicine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Nowadays there is a big problem of forming the psychological and pedagogical competence of a nurse in case...