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Issue 23

Brakova Z., Charnicka M. - Family and school cooperation in raising and educating students with ADHD.
Brakova Z., Charnicka M. - Family and school cooperation in raising and educating students with ADHD.
Brakova Z., Charnicka M. Family and school cooperation in raising and educating students with ADHD. Family and school are thetwo most important environments in which students develop. Cooperation between these two environments is essential for the overall development of the student. When schools and...
Buiniak M.G., Oliynyk A. Yu. - Research on the inclusive competence of preschool teachers
Buiniak M.G., Oliynyk A. Yu. - Research on the inclusive competence of preschool teachers
Contact: BUINIAK Maryana, Ph.D. of psychology, associate professor, Senior Lecturer of Department Special and Inclusive Education,Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, KamianetsPodilskyi, Ukraine. Academic interests: implementation of partnershippedagogy in special and inclusive ed...
Konieczna A., Bialek I. - Challenges in communication between parents and adolescent children with intellectual disabilities about sexuality and relationships, and ways specialists can Support parents.
Konieczna A., Bialek I. - Challenges in communication between parents and adolescent children with intellectual disabilities about sexuality and relationships, and ways specialists can Support parents.
Contact : Ilona BIAŁEK, Szkoła Specjalna w Płocku, Polska; Agnieszka KONIECZNA, Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej w Warszawie,Polska. Parents usually act as the main sex educators for their children with intellectual disabilities, as they are aware that relying solely on school sex education would be ...
Verzhikhovska O., Tukalo L. - Development and correction of verbal and logical thinking in younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities
Verzhikhovska O., Tukalo L. - Development and correction of verbal and logical thinking in younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities
Contact : VERZHIHOVSKA Оlena, PhD of pedagogical, associate professor of the department of psycho-medical-pedagogical foundations of correctional work in Kamynets-Podilsky National Ivan Ogienko University, Kamynets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: the problem of development, education and upb...
Havrylov O. - A socially-oriented model for structuring educational environments for children with moderate intellectual disabilities
Havrylov O. - A socially-oriented model for structuring educational environments for children with moderate intellectual disabilities
Contact: HAVRILOV Oleksiy, PhD in Psychological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy and Special Techniques of Kamyanets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: features of the development of cognitive and emotional-v...
Havrylova Natalia - Peculiarities of forming a speech therapy conclusion: linguistic and psyholinguistic aspects
Havrylova Natalia - Peculiarities of forming a speech therapy conclusion: linguistic and psyholinguistic aspects
Contact: HAVRYLOVA Natalia. PhD in Psychological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy and Special Techniques of Kamyanets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine. The process of forming a speech therapy conclusion based on the study and a...
Haletska Y. - Levels of speech development in children with combined disorders
Haletska Y. - Levels of speech development in children with combined disorders
Contact: HALETSKA Yuliya – Ph.D., associate professor, senior lecturer of speech therapy and special techniques department KamianetsPodilsky Ivan Ohienko National University. In children with combined disorders, violations of the  content side of speech and pronunciation of sounds, the lexical-g...
Hladush V., Kovacova B., Dudek М. - Teaching preschool children with dyspraxia as an urgent scientific and pedagogical problem.
Hladush V., Kovacova B., Dudek М. - Teaching preschool children with dyspraxia as an urgent scientific and pedagogical problem.
Contact : Viktor HLADUSH, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Special Pedagogy at the Catholic University in Ruzomberk, Slovakia; Professor of the Department of Psychology, Speech Therapy and Inclusive Education at the Ivan Franko State University of Zhytomyr, ...
Golub N.M. - Features of work on the development of communicative function in junior schoolchildren with general speech underdevelopment
Golub N.M. - Features of work on the development of communicative function in junior schoolchildren with general speech underdevelopment
Contact : GOLUB Nataliya, PhD of pedagogical sciences, associate professor at the Department of Special Pedagogy of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Academic interests: problems of correctional and developing work with junior schoolchildren with disorders of ...
Dmitriieva O.I., Shvets O.I., - Organizational principles of the Kamianets-Podilskyi educational and rehabilitation center work: history and modernity
Dmitriieva O.I., Shvets O.I., - Organizational principles of the Kamianets-Podilskyi educational and rehabilitation center work: history and modernity
Contact: Oksana DMITRIIEVA, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor at the Department of Special Pedagogy and Inclusive Education of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, KamianetsPodilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests are the following: legal ducation of pupils with hearing impairment...
Yefimenko M. M. - Pedagogical stringing as an innovative direction of correction of hand subject praxis in children with special educational needs
Yefimenko M. M. - Pedagogical stringing as an innovative direction of correction of hand subject praxis in children with special educational needs
Contact: YEFIMENKO Mykola, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Applied Psychology and Speech Therapy, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. In the circle of scientific interests: problems of development and correction of all types of pr...
Konstantyniv O. - Features of the development of self-control in children with dysgraphia
Konstantyniv O. - Features of the development of self-control in children with dysgraphia
Contact: Oksana Konstantyniv, PhD Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University Thanks to the study of written speech by scientists of various fields of scientific knowledge, it was found that written speech is a complex system in terms of structure and functional organization, which includ...
Levitsky V., Spivak V. - eculiarities of the development of fine motor skills and visual-motor functions in preschool children with intellectual development disorders in the context of preparation for writing
Levitsky V., Spivak V. - eculiarities of the development of fine motor skills and visual-motor functions in preschool children with intellectual development disorders in the context of preparation for writing
Contact : LEVITSKY Vadim – Ph.D., associate professor department of speech therapy and special techniques Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University. Among his scientific interests: are the issues of education and upbringing of children with special educational needs. SPIVAK Vitaly – PhD...
Lukachovych H., Milevska O. - The results of studying the natural and ecological competence of senior preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech
Lukachovych H., Milevska O. - The results of studying the natural and ecological competence of senior preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech
Contact: Halyna LUKACHOVYCH, graduate student of the 3 year of specialty 016 special education in Kamyanets-Podilsky National Ivan Ohienko University, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: the problem of the formation of lexical-semantic skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopme...
Lutsko K.V., Martynchuk O.V. - Integrative special pedagogy in the modern realities of social development
Lutsko K.V., Martynchuk O.V. - Integrative special pedagogy in the modern realities of social development
Contact: Кateryna LUTSKO, PhD of Pedagogy, Senior Resercher, Associate Professor of Special and Inclusive Education Departmen, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Academic interests: study of activation of sensory development of children with special educational needs, its ...
Moroz L. - Organization of parents counseling of children with impaired psychophysical development in a preschool education institution
Moroz L. - Organization of parents counseling of children with impaired psychophysical development in a preschool education institution
Contact: MOROZ Liudmyla, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Logopedic Department of Sumy state pedagogical university named after A.S.Makarenko: Sumy, Ukraine. The scientific interests: the problem of psychological and pedagogical support for children with developmental disorders; correction a...
Miakushko O., Kostenko T. - Psychophysiological Approach to Overcoming Speech Anxiety in Children with Speech Disorders
Miakushko O., Kostenko T. - Psychophysiological Approach to Overcoming Speech Anxiety in Children with Speech Disorders
Contact: MYAKUSHKO Oksana, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Education for Children with Intellectual Disabilities, Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. The circle of scientific interests ...
Nikolenko L. - Correctional and developmental services for children with educational difficulties under the pressure of war
Nikolenko L. - Correctional and developmental services for children with educational difficulties under the pressure of war
Contact : NIKOLENKO L., PhD of Pedagogy, associate professor, chairperson of the Department of Pedagogy and Special Education of Оles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnepr, Ukraine. In the circle of scientific interests are professional preparation of future teachers of the special education, i...
Opaliuk O., Lisova L., Matviiv K. - Peculiarities of the implementation of esthetic therapy in the correctional and pedagogical activity of a speech therapist
Opaliuk O., Lisova L., Matviiv K. - Peculiarities of the implementation of esthetic therapy in the correctional and pedagogical activity of a speech therapist
Contacts: OPALIUK Oleh, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychological, Medical andPedagogical Fundamentals of Correctional Work, Faculty of Special Education, Psychology and Social Work, Ivan Ohienko KamianetsPodilskyi National University, Ukraine. LISO...
Pachomova N., Hubar O., Kovalenko V., Baranets I. - Formation of spatial orientation in children with cerebral disorders
Pachomova N., Hubar O., Kovalenko V., Baranets I. - Formation of spatial orientation in children with cerebral disorders
Contact: PAKHOMOVA Nataliya, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the Department of the special department of special and inclusive education of the Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Poltava, Ukraine. In the field of scientific interests: speech preparation of pr...

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  • V. Hladush – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Catholic University in Ružomberok, Slovak Republic.
  • D. Shulzhenko – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychocorrectional Pedagogy and Rehabilitation at Mykhailo Drahomanov Ukrainian State University.
  • O. Bielova – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy and Speech Psychology at Ivan Ohienko Kamianets-Podilskyi National University.

Editorial board

  • V. Bondar, Doctor of pedagogy, professor, existing member of National APS of Ukraine;
  • Y. Bondarenko, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • N. Havrylova, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor;
  • O. Gavrylov, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor (chief editor);
  • V. Hladush, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • I. Demchenko, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • T. Dokuchina, Ph.D. in pedagogy, associate professor;
  • I. Ivashkevych, Ph.D. in psychology, senior lecturer;
  • V. Klein, Ph.D. in philosophy, associate professor;
  • I. Kobel, Ph.D. in philosophy, associate professor;
  • O. Konstantyniv, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor (responsible secretary);
  • Е.М. Kulesha, Ph.D. in philosophy, professor;
  • J. Lashchik, Ph.D. in humanities, professor;
  • I. Martynenko, Doctor of psychology, associate professor;
  • O. Martynchuk, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • S. Myronova, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • M. Panov, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor;
  • O. Pozdnyakova, Ph.D. in pedagogy, associate professor;
  • L. Rudenko, Doctor of psychology, professor;
  • V. Synyov, Doctor of pedagogy, professor, an existing member of National APS of Ukraine (science editor);
  • T. Skrypnyk, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • D. Suprun, Doctor of pedagogy, associate professor;
  • M. Suprun, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • A. Shevtsov, Doctor of pedagogy, professor, existing member of National APS of Ukraine; M. Sheremet, Doctor of pedagogy, professor;
  • S. Yakovleva, Doctor of pedagogy, professor.

In press on the authority of Scientific board of Kamyanets-Podilsky National Ivan Ohienko University (protocol №-- -------------2023)

А-43 Actual problems of the correctional education (pedagogical sciences): Сollection of scientific papers: Issue 23 / edited by O. Havrylov. Kamyanets-Podilsky: Publisher Kovalchuk O.V., 2024. 378 p.
ISSN 2413-2578

ISSN 2706-7173 (online)

ICV 2020 81.40

DOI 10.32626/2413-2578. 2024-23

The collection of scientific works, founded in 2010 by Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, addresses current issues in special education and the challenges of inclusive learning. It features a wide range of scientific contributions from both domestic and international researchers. The scientific papers analyze modern approaches to the organization of educational, correctivedevelopmental, and rehabilitation work. They also present developments by practitioners working with various age groups of children with special educational needs, both in different types of educational and rehabilitation institutions and within inclusive education settings and family environments. The collection specifically highlights the issues faced by individuals with psychophysical developmental disorders after completing their education and the relevant areas of work with them.
This collection of scientific works is intended for researchers, practitioners, doctoral and postgraduate students, master's students, and higher education students specializing in Special Education (016), as well as parents raising children with special educational needs and anyone interested in special education and the organization of inclusive learning.

ISSN 2413-2578

ISSN 2706-7173 (online)

ICV 2020 81.40

DOI 10.32626/2413-2578. 2024-23

UDC 376 (082) 

LBC 74.30

© Authors of the articles, 2024