Current issues
of correctional education
(pedagogical sciences)
of correctional education
(pedagogical sciences)
Current issues of correctional education (.doc)
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Issue №12 (2019)

The implementation of a differentiated approach in the formation of a coherent monologue speech of children with hearing impairment of older preschool age
Contact: Andreeva Olga, Lecturer at the Department of Correction and Development Technologies, Institute of Inclusive Education, Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, Minsk, Belarus.
The article presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of the formation of...

System of education and rehabilitation of children with intellectual disorders in Ukraine and Poland
Contact: Diana Aksamit, Doctor of Humanities in pedagogy of Maria Grzhegorzhevska Special Pedagogy Academy, Poland. In the circle of scientific interests: problems of rehabilitation of persons with deep intellectual backwardness, society relation to the persons with intellectual backwardness, Havryl...

Theoretical and methodological aspects of the future specialists terminological competence formation in the field of special education
Contact: Yuliya Buhera, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, assistant of the Department of Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Foundations of Correctional Work, Kamyanets-Podilskiy National Ivan Ohienko University, Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. In the circle of scientific interests: the problem of the attention f...

Study of the formation of skills of eating in children with moderate and severe degree of intellectual failure
Contact: Galetska Yuliya, Ph.D., assistant of speech therapy and special techniques department Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: feature the organization of educational and correctional-developing work with children with the moderat...

Use of visual simulation tools in correctional work with children with speech disorders
Contakt: Galushchenko Viktoriya Ivanivna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, acting director Associate Professor of the Department of Defectology and Physical Rehabilitation of the State Establishment "KPDUshinsky PNPU", Odesa, Ukraine. In the circle of scientific interests: the formation of proso...

Basic aspects of teacher-ol?gofrenopedagoga in modern conditions
Contact: Gajash Oksana, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate Professor of physical rehabilitation in Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine. Academic interests: the problem of the оrganization's correctional work with children with intellectual disabilities, the formation of them ed...

Readiness of children of the senior pre-school age with the delay of a psychological development to studying at school
Contact: Gladun Olha – speech pathologist (teacher of the blind, special educational teacher (oligophrenic) of nursery school № 106, Lviv. The direction of practical pedagogic work: the correction of a development of children with vision impairments and children with the delay of a psychological d...

Сompetence approach to the training of teachers-defectologists by means of information communication technologies
Contact: Olga Dalivelya, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Inclusive Education, Institute of Inclusive Education, Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, Republic of Belarus. Research Interests: genetic disorders and their manifest...

Іnstrumental and vocal musication as a means of forming the rhythm feeling in children of medium preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech
Contact: Demidenko Svetlana, PhD of pedagogy, associate professor of speech therapy Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank, Minsk, Belarus. Academic interests: art-therapy correction of children's defection of speech; correction of children's dyscalculia. Shepeleva Anna, master ...

To the problem of diagnosing grafomotor skills in children with speech disorders
Contact: Nina Drozdova , Ph.D ( Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor at the Department of Speech Therapy of the Institute of Inclusive Education of the Educational Establishment “Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank”, Minsk, Belarus. Research interests: the problem of...

Аssessment of the peculiarities of the development of psychomotory of deaf children 7-10 years
Contact: Anna Ivakhnenko, Ph.D of Psychology, assistant professor. Iryna Pushchina Ph.D of Psychology, assistant professor.
The experimental correction methodology of developing psychomotor function of junior pupils with poor hearing by means of active games which embraces three consecutive stages ...

organizational and content aspects of activity of specialists of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions on differential diagnostics
Contact: Kalatsey Irina Viktorovna, master's student of the Department of speech therapy of the Institute of inclusive education of the Belarusian state University. Maxim Tank", Minsk, Republic Of Belarus. In the sphere of scientific interests the problem of differential diagnosis of speech disorder...

The method of formation of tempo-rhythmic aspects of speech for junior schoolchildren with serious speech disorders during the logarhythmic classes
Contakt: Kizhlo Inga, PhD of pedagogical, senior lecturer of the Department of speech therapy Of the Institute of inclusive education of the Belarusian state pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, Minsk, Republic of Belarus. In the circle of scientific interests: the problem of correction of...

Historical aspects of development of adaptive physical culture for people with mental retardation
Contact: Kolyshkin Oleksandr, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Chair of Special and Inclusive Education of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine. In the area of scientific interests: development of the motor sphere of people w...

Using computer technologies in professional activity of a speech therapist.
Contact: Olena Lastochkina, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Lecturer at Logopaedia department of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine. Academic interests: deals with correction of serious speech disorders, people of different age have, using com...

Enrichment of lexical stock of pupils of elementary grades with intellectual disabilities by means of visual aids at the lessons of language and reading
Contact: Levitsky Vadim Eduardovich – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Department of Speech therapy and special techniques of the faculty of correctional and social pedagogy and psychology of, Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, 32300, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukr...

Peculiarities of difficulty in the analysis of the text of the arithmetic problem by junior pupils with severe speech impairment
Contact. Lisova Lyudmila the Ph.D. of Pedagogy, assistant of therapy and special methods of Corrective and Social Pedagogy And Psychology Department of Kamenetz-Podolsk National Ivan Ohienko University, Ukraine.
The article presents the results of the study of the peculiarities of difficulties in s...

Diagnostics of development disorders of communicative-speech activity in preschool children with different types of speech dysontogenesis
Contact: Lopatynska Natalia, PhD, Head of the special education department of the communal higher educational institution "Khortytska National Education and Rehabilitation Academy" of Zaporizhzhya Regional Council, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine. In the field of scientific interests: the neuro-ontogenetic ap...

Professional activity of special teachers of inclusive educational institutions in countries with a high level of development of educational systems (the example of Great Britain, Finland and Israel)
Contact. Martynchuk Olena, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, the Chairholder of the Chair of Special Psychology, Special and Inclusive Education of the Institute of Human Sciences of Kyiv Borys Hrinchenko University, Ukraine. Professional interests: inclusive education for children with special education...

To the issue of organization of special education in the United States of America
Contact: Nykonenko Nataliia, PhD of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of pedagogy and special education department in Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Academic interests: peculiarities of special education organization and special education teachers preparation in th...