Current issues
of correctional education
(pedagogical sciences)
of correctional education
(pedagogical sciences)
Current issues of correctional education (.doc)
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Випуск №13 (2019)

Bondar V.I. - aducation of children with peculiarities of intellectual development in institutions of general secondary education
Contakt: Bondar Vitali, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, full member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, professor of the department of special, inclusive and health-saving education of the National Technical University named after GS Skovoroda, Honored Worker of Education of U...

Havrylova N. - Methodology of forming and stimulation of the phonemes pronunciation
Information on an author: Havrylova Natalia, PhD of psychology, associate professor of speech therapy and special methods in KamyanetsPodilsky National Ivan Ohienko University, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: correction of children's articulatory movement and phonetic speech disorde...

Gayash O.V., Klyap M.I. - The complex psychological-pedagogical support of the children with autism spectrum disorder integrated in the inclusive-resource center
Contact: Gajash O.V, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate Professor of physical rehabilitation in Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine. Academic interests: the problem of the оrganization's correctional work with children with intellectual disabilities, the formation of them educa...

Vladimir K.,Silonova V., Hladush V. - Actual problems of educational inregration of students in the Slovak republic
Contact: Paed Dr. Vladimír Klein, PhD., Catholic University in Ru?omberok, Faculty of Education, director of the Institút Juraja Pálesha, Slovak republic. Academic interests: multicultural education, the organization of integrated education for children with developmental disorders, pedagogical and ...

Logopedical support of families by means of information and communication technologies
Contact: Korol Alona, assistant, Department of Preschool and Primary Education, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine. Academic interests: cooperation between speech therapist, parents, educators (tutors, teachers, psychologists, professors, medical staff)...

Difficulties in the process of synthesizing all data in the content of an arithmetic problem by junior students with severe speech disorders.
Contact: Lisova Lyudmila the Ph.D. of Pedagogy, assistant of therapy and special methods of Corrective and Social Pedagogy And Psychology Department of Kamenetz-Podolsk National Ivan Ohienko University, Ukraine.
The proposed article presents the results of the study of the peculiarities of difficu...

Cognitive-competency component of specialist`s readiness to implement a team interaction in terms of inclusion
Contact: Zoriana Leniv is PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy and Logopsychology Мykhailo Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine. In term of research: is the inclusive education, the problem of training future specialists to work in...

Organization of renewable aphasia speech therapy work with people in the post-stroke state in the interaction link "speech therapist – the family"
Contact: Olga Lianna, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Lecturer at Health, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation and Ergotherapy department of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine. Academic interests: correctional and rehabilitation work with post- s...

To the problem of taking into account individual stylistic features of children with violations of psychophysical development in the educational process of special educational institutions
Contact: Lyashko Vira Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Correctional Education of Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine. In the area of scientific interests: the problem of studying the individual style of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities...

Martynenko I. - Personal profile as a factor of communication potential development of the children with speech undevelopment
Contact: Martynenko Iryna, doctor of special psychology, associate professor of speech therapy and logopsychology department in National pedagogical M. P. Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Academic interests: psychology of individuals with severe speech disorders, psychocorection of communicati...

Inclusive pedagogy as a scientific factor of development of competence in the field of inclusive education of children with special educational needs
Contact: Martynchuk Olena, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, the Chairholder of the Chair of Special Psychology, Special and Inclusive Education of the Institute of Human Sciences of Kyiv Borys Hrinchenko University, Ukraine. Professional interests: inclusive education for children with special education...

Supporting the speech development in hearing-impaired children of pre-school age in family education conditions
Contact: Moroz Ludmyla, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Logopedic Department of Sumy Makarenko state pedagogical university, Sumy, Ukraine. The scientific interests: the problem of psychological and pedagogical support for children with developmental disorders; correction and development of ...

Psychological correction of perception in children with autistic spectrum disorders as a condition of socially acceptable behaviourforming
Contact: Naydonova Ganna, PhD of psychology, associate professor special psychology and medicine in Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Academic interests: problems of bodily psychology, health psychology, sexual psychology, special psychology.
Nagirnyak Anastasiya, practical...

Types of behavioral disorders in preschool children
Contact: Orlyanskaya Alla, post-graduate student of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Inclusive Education ofKamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine.In the circle of scientific interests: the problem of correction of behavioral abnormalities in child...

Implementation aspects of individualization of teaching children with special educational needs in general secondary education institution
Сontact: assistant professor L. Pryadko, Ph.D., assistant professor of Department of Vocational Education and Management of Sumy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Sumy, Ukraine. In terms of research: an implementation of inclusive education in Ukraine, a differentiated appro...

Components of professional Psychologists’ (Special, Clinical) competency
Contact: Lilіia Rudenko Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Head of the Department of Special Psychology and Medicine, Faculty of Special and Inclusive Education, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine. In the circle of scientific interests: the problem of the formation of profe...

The problem of formation of information and communication competencies in pupils with intellectual disabilities
Contact: Sakhno Tamara Sergiivna, Postgraduate Student, Department of Special Pedagogy and Inclusion, Donbass State Pedagogical University, Sloviansk, Donetsk region, Ukraine. Academic interests: formation of information and communication competencies of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities...

Synyov V. N., Bystrova Yu. A., Kovalenko V. Ye., Bystrov A. Ye. - The Research of the problem of emotional and behavioral disorders in persons with intellectual disabilities in Ukrainian psychological and pedagogical science
Contact: Synyov Victor, Grand PhD of pedagogy, аcademician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, professor of the department of psychocorrectional pedagogy in National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: the problem of correc...

Experimental research of the effectiveness of system of pedagogical rehabilitation of pupils with special educational needs in educational and rehabilitation center
Contact: Siliavina Yuliya, Head of the International Department of Khortytska national educational rehabilitational academy, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine. Academic interests: problems of inclusive education and pedagogical rehabilitation of children with special educational needs.
The process and results ...

Psychological and pedagogical support for children with cerebral palsy with a syndrome of hospitalization
Contact: Snyatkova Tatyana, postgraduate student of department of special psychology and medicine of faculty of special and inclusive education of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Among the scientific interests: there are the problem of correction of emotional-volitional di...